In 2021, China launched a national pilot project of diagnosis-intervention packet (DIP) in 71 cities, which is an important measure of medical insurance payment system reform. DIP was originated in Guangdong. This paper summarizes the reform experience and effectiveness of Guangzhou and Shenzhen, discusses how to promote the reform of DIP in the national pilot cities from the medical insurance agencies aspect and the hospitals aspect, so as to provide a reference for the national pilot cities.
Spanning two decades since the 1st generation spinal robotics inception, the robot-assisted spine surgery (RSS) technology has evolved through generations, culminating in the 4th generation characterized by real-time visual navigation and wire-free screw placement. The fundamental principles of RSS technology include surgical planning, tracking, image registration, and robotic arm control technologies. Currently, RSS technology is maturely employed in thoracolumbar procedures and is progressively being applied in cervical surgeries, spinal tumor resections, and percutaneous operations, offering advantages in reducing tissue trauma and exposure to radiation, thereby improving patient outcomes. Emerging research also focuses on the cost-effectiveness of clinical applications and robot-specific complications. With the integration of artificial intelligence into surgical planning, RSS technology is poised to further incorporate emerging technologies and expand its application across a broader clinical spectrum.
Objective To investigate the characteristics of cognitive function and its correlation to neuroendocrine status in patients with refractory depression. Methods A total of 41 patients diagnosed by ICD-10 as depression onset who have been treated with more than two antidepressants drugs, fulfilled the criteria of refractory depression. Another 40 patients diagnosed by ICD-10 as depression onset but who have not been treated, or have been treated with only one antidepressant drug were selected as controls. Patients in both groups were evaluated by WAIS-RC, STROOP, VF, TRAILS A, B, TOH and M-WCST, and the concentrations of CORT, ACTH, T3, FT3, T4, FT4, TSH were also determined. Results A significant difference was found in VF between the refractory depression group and the control group. This showed that the damage to short-term memory, attention and interference rejection capability was much more serious in the refractory depression group. The ACTH concentration in the refractory depression group was significantly different from that of the control group, which indicated that the damage to the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis was more serious in the refractory depression group. In particular in relation to memory and attention defect. Conclusion Changes in the levels of CORT, ACTH, TSH, FT3 and T4 may be correlated to cognitive function damage in patients with refractory depression.
目的 了解5.12汶川大地震24个月后震区小学生的心理健康状况,为进行震后长期心理危机干预提供依据。 方法 于2010年5月即汶川大地震发生后24个月,分别使用创伤应激量表儿童版(CRIES-13)、儿童抑郁障碍自评量表(DSRSC)、长处与困难问卷(SDQ)学生版,调查了553名来自于彭州灾区的小学生的心理健康状况及其影响因素。 结果 ① 灾区小学生CRIES-13总分为(22.98 ± 12.29)分,其中大于划界分(30分)者为143人,占总人数的25.9%;女性总分高于男性(Z=?2.031,P=0.042);震后被转移至安全地点的时间越长(OR=1.025,P=0.012)、家人伤亡越严重(OR=1.141,P=0.021),其CRIES-13总分大于划界分的可能性越高。② 灾区小学生DSRSC总分为(11.07 ± 5.78)分,其中总分大于划界分(15分)者为120人,占总人数的21.7%;女性总分高于男性(Z=?2.508,P=0.012);灾区小学生的年龄(r=0.098,P=0.021)、震后被转移至安全地点的时间(r=0.117,P=0.004)与DSRSC总分呈正相关。③ 灾区小学生SDQ总困难因子得分为(14.97 ± 5.44)分,62.9%的人报告自身存在主观困难;女性的情绪因子、亲社会因子得分高于男性(Z=?3.123,P=0.002;Z=?2.243,P=0.025);年龄越大,品行因子(χ2=7.604,P=0.023)、亲社会因子(χ2=8.102;P=0.017)得分增加。 结论 震后灾区小学生的心理健康状况受到性别、年龄、震后被转移至安全地点的时间、家人伤亡程度的影响,震后长期心理危机干预应综合考虑这些相关因素以确定高危人群。
Objective To analyze the risk factors of prethrombotic state of obstructive sleep apnea and hyponea syndrome (OSAHS), providing basis and reference for the prevention of prethrombotic state of OSAHS. Methods Two hundred and thirty-eight patients excluding the presence of possible effects of coagulation factors from June 2014 to July 2016 were diagnosed as OSAHS by polysomnography (PSG) and underwent coagulation, thrombosis, fibrinolysis, and inflammatory factors testing. Fifty-six patients met the standard of prethrombotic state (prethrombotic state group) and 59 patients randomly selected from the remaining 182 patients did not meet the standard (non-prethrombotic state group). The age, sex, body mass index (BMI), sleep apnea and hypopnea index (AHI), interleukin-6 (IL-6), complicating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and hypertension were compared between two groups. Results Non conditional Logistic regression analysis showed that the risk factors of prethrombotic state of OSAHS were age (OR=1.202, 95%CI: 1.107 to 1.305), IL-6 (OR=1.127, 95%CI: 1.014 to 1.252), AHI (OR=1.151, 95%CI: 1.055 to 1.256), and complicating COPD (OR=4.749, 95%CI: 1.046 to 21.555). Conclusion Age, AHI, IL-6, and complicating COPD may be the risk factors of prethrombotic state of OSAHS, among which complicating COPD may be the most important risk factor.
Objective To analyze morbility,risk factors,etiology,treatment and outcome of nosocomial pulmonary fungal infections in respiratory intensive care unit(RICU).Methods Forty-seven respiratory RICU patients with nosocomial pulmonary fungal infections between July 2000 and June 2005 were retrospectively analyzed.Results All of the 47 cases were clinically diagnosed as probable nosocomial pulmonary fungal infections,with the morbidity of 10.8% significantly higher than general wards(1.8%,Plt;0.005).COPD and bacterial pneumonia were the major underlying diseases of respiratory system with a percent of 38.30% and 36.17%,respectively.Forty-one patients (87.2%) had risk factors for fungal infections.Compared with general wards,the proportion of Aspergillosis was higher in RICU without significant difference (Pgt;0.1);the proportions of Candida glabrata and Candida tropicalis were higher too,but that of Candida krusei was relatively low.The effective rate of antifungal treatment was 79.1% and fluconazol was the most common used antifungal agents.The mortality of fungal infection in RICU was higher than that of general wards but without significant difference(Pgt;0.1).Conclusion The morbidity of nosocomial pulmonary fungal infection in respiratory RICU is higher than that in general wards.The proportions of infection caused by Aspergilli and some Candida resistant to fluconazol is relatively high.Early and effective treatment is needed in these patients considering the poor prognosis.
This article is based on the work practice of Deyang People’s Hospital in carrying out financial digital transformation under the background of artificial intelligence technology. It clarifies the concepts of financial digitization and artificial intelligence technology, summarizes the practical path of hospital financial digital transformation, and analyzes the specific applications and implementation effects of intelligent filling of expense reimbursement forms, intelligent review of documents, and intelligent management of medical insurance funds. These experiences have positive significance for optimizing financial business processes, improving data quality and utilization efficiency, and enhancing employee satisfaction. They can provide a reference for the digital transformation of financial management in public hospitals and the reconstruction of the value positioning of hospital financial management.
目的 调查极重灾区某中学学生的创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)症状检出率及影响因素,为进一步开展灾后心理卫生服务提供依据。 方法 2008年9月下旬,对汶川地震的极重灾区都江堰某镇中学1 500名同学进行调查,获有效问卷1 498份。采用一般情况调查问卷、儿童事件影响量表(CRIES-13)中文版进行集体施测。 结果 某镇中学学生灾后4个月PTSD症状检出率29.71%(445/1 498)。经非条件逐步logistic回归筛选PTSD症状的影响因素有:地震时是否受伤(OR=1.995,P=0.000)、性别(OR=1.785,P=0.000)、绝望感(OR=1.597,P=0.000)、是否目睹死亡(OR=1.344,P=0.000)、年龄(OR=1.308,P=0.000)、是否目睹受伤(OR=1.262,P=0.000)、地震时是否被困(OR=1.209,P=0.011)、震后居住地点(OR=1.182,P=0.000)、是否目睹垮塌(OR=1.176,P=0.000)、家人情况(OR=1.104,P=0.000)、地震后是否住院(OR=0.828,P=0.041)12个因素。 结论 在灾后重建过程中,该中学的学生PTSD症状检出率较高,其与地震时是否受伤、性别、绝望感、是否目睹死亡、年龄、是否目睹受伤、地震时是否被困、震后居住地点、是否目睹垮塌、家人情况、地震后是否住院呈显著相关。