目的 为红皮病型银屑病患者制定循证治疗方案。 方法 2012年3月收治1例红皮病型银屑病患者,充分评估患者情况后,提出临床问题,计算机检索Cochrane图书馆、 Medline、中文全文期刊医学数据库中相关研究,根据检索结果结合患者实际情况,制定治疗方案。 结果 共检索到相关文献3篇。通过对检索结果进行分析,并结合患者意愿,为患者制定了采用甲氨喋呤的治疗方案。经过6个月的治疗随访,证实该方案适合该患者。 结论 采用循证医学的方法,为红皮病型银屑病患者制定合理的治疗方案,可提高疗效。
Objective To improve the vigilance and awareness of malignancy presenting as dermatosis and reduce misdiagnosis. Methods Two cases of gastric cancer presenting as dermatomyositis and erythroderma respectively in the last two years were retrospectively analyzed and the relevant literatures were reviewed. Results The two patients were admitted to hospital due to skin diseases, diagnosis of gastric cancer through endoscopy, and proved to be gastric cancer associated with dermatosis by pathological examination after surgical resection. Conclusions Paraneoplastic dermatoses can be seen as an early manifestation of the internal malignancy. The patients with paraneoplastic dermatoses should be excluded visceral tumors by the means of biomarkers, endoscopy, PET/CT, and so on.