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find Author "杨晓蓉" 11 results
  • 精神科门诊投诉原因分析与对策

    目的 分析精神科门诊医疗投诉事件的发生率和原因,采取对策以减少精神科门诊医疗纠纷,提高医疗护理质量。 方法 回顾性分析2009年1月-2012年12月发生的112例各类投诉事件资料,对投诉内容及回访结果进行归类统计分析。 结果 2009年-2012年精神科门诊患者总数为789 485例次,其中发生医疗投诉112例,发生率为0.142‰。112例投诉中,医源性投诉78例,占69.64%,且呈逐年上升趋势;非医源性投诉34例,占30.36%,呈逐年下降趋势。 结论 精神科门诊投诉主要是医源性投诉,转变服务理念,建立并完善医患沟通制度,提高医务人员的责任心和技术水平,开展多形式的优质护理是减少精神科门诊投诉的方法与途径。

    Release date:2016-08-26 02:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Nursing for Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome during Surgery

    目的 总结阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征患者手术配合经验。 方法 对2006年1月-2011年11月259例阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征患者实施改良腭咽成形术的临床资料及护理措施进行回顾性分析。 结果 259例患者顺利完成手术,未发生呼吸道梗阻及大出血。随访4~9年,治愈158例( 61.0%) ,显效73 例(28.2%),有效28例( 10.8%)。 结论 针对性的围手术期护理有助于保留悬雍垂改良腭咽成形术的顺利进行,减少手术后并发症,提高治疗效果。

    Release date:2021-06-23 07:35 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 精神科门诊患者的护理体会

    目的 总结交流精神科门诊护理的特点与经验。 方法 根据精神科患者人格特点和认知行为的特殊性,通过改善就医环境,优化就医流程;针对不同类型的精神疾病患者采用不同的应对处置技巧;强调和推行个体化服务模式;大力推广健康教育等措施,改善和提高精神科门诊护理质量与水平。 结果 就医流程的优化,使门诊候诊时间大为缩短,减少了门诊突发事件的几率;不同的处置技巧,有效地控制和减少患者诊治时段的冲动与焦虑;个性化的护理服务和健康教育,增进医患间的沟通与交流,使患者得到更多的疾病知识指导,增强了治疗依从性,患者和家属满意度提高。 结论 精神科门诊护士不但要有扎实的专业知识和技能,高度的同情心,还须有敏锐的观察力和良好的沟通技巧,为门诊工作的顺利开展、管理及干预策略的制定提供依据。

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  • 精神科门诊5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂抗抑郁药物用药状况分析

    【摘要】 目的 分析5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂抗抑郁药物门诊治疗用药状况。 方法 抽取2010年8月23-29日四川大学华西医院精神科门诊1周的处方,采用限定日剂量分析法,分析用药频度、用药费用及合理用药情况。 结果 1周门诊量3 625例,其中焦虑抑郁性障碍1 518例(41.88%);诊断抑郁症者最多,为926例(61.0%),其次为焦虑症273例(18.0%)、焦虑状态132例(8.7%)、强迫症93例(6.1%),其余患者分别诊断为惊恐障碍、轻度抑郁症、抑郁状态及抑郁症伴焦虑等。用药频度由高到低依次为舍曲林、帕罗西汀、氟西汀、氟伏沙明和西酞普兰。日治疗消费额度由高到低依次:舍曲林、帕罗西汀、西酞普兰、氟西汀和氟伏沙明。 结论 5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂抗抑郁药物的门诊用药符合临床合理用药规律,遵循循证医学证据用药。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:26 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Investigation of Evening Outpatient Service Demand in West China Hospital

    ObjectiveTo investigate the evening outpatient service demand in West China Hospital, in order to provide better service. MethodsUsing self-questionnaire, we investigated 1 734 outpatients and the data were analyzed with SPSS 16.0 software. ResultsA total of 90.7% of the surveyed patients reported that it was necessary to have evening outpatient service, 53.1% of the patients were willing to come to the hospital in the morning, and 4.2% prefer to come to the hospital in the evening. ConclusionEvening outpatient service in large general hospitals is getting high social affirmation. It is helpful to those who are inconvenient or unwilling to come to the hospital during day time, and is a complement for day-time outpatient and emergency outpatient service. Consultation time and resource arrangement in the evening outpatient service should conform to the principle of rational allocation for hospital resources.

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  • 优质护理在神经内科门诊脑血管疾病中的应用效果研究

    目的探讨神经内科门诊优质护理对脑血管疾病康复期患者的临床护理效果。 方法对2011年1月-2月结束住院治疗后门诊随访的100例首发脑血管疾病患者分别采用常规护理(对照组)和优质护理(干预组),两组各50例。对照组实施常规护理;干预组采用优质护理,主要包括采取心理护理、健康教育、康复指导、家庭干预以及定期电话随访等综合护理干预措施。随访1年后比较两组护理效果。 结果干预组35例完全恢复,11例部分恢复,4例未恢复;对照组22例完全恢复,13例部分恢复,15例未恢复;两组差异有统计学意义(Z=2.951,P=0.003)。干预组40例对护理满意度,8例较满意,2例不满意;对照组28例满意,12例较满意,10例不满意;两组差异有统计学意义(Z=2.750,P=0.006)。干预组复发8例(16.0%),对照组复发20例(40.0%),两组差异具有统计学意义(χ2=7.143,P=0.008)。 结论优质护理在神经内科门诊脑血管疾病患者护理中效果较好,值得推广使用。

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  • 门诊护士离职意愿及影响因素调查

    目的 调查门诊护士离职意愿的现状及年龄、工作年限、职业倦怠、应对方式等因素对其的影响。 方法 采用问卷调查法,于2013年5月-8月对2所随机抽取的医院共159名门诊护士的一般资料、职业倦怠、特质应对方式及离职意愿进行调查。 结果 共收回149份有效问卷。54例(36.2%)门诊护士有较强的离职意愿;77例(51.7%)门诊护士有中度、高度的情感衰竭,116例(77.9%)门诊护士有中度、高度的去人格化,65例(43.6%)门诊护士有中度、高度的个人成就感降低;有无离职意愿的门诊护士在年龄、工作年限、职称、应对方式、职业倦怠等方面差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 门诊护士离职意愿较为严重,职业倦怠呈普遍性,应对方式偏消极,应给予重视并采取相应应对措施。

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  • The analysis of outpatient navigation service system in large hospitals

    Objective To optimize the environment of outpatient clinics in large hospitals, facilitate the patients’ visits and improve the comprehensive management level. Methods From September to November 2015, 2 hospitals in each part of a provincial city (middle, east, west, north and south), a total of 10 hospitals were chosed by convenient sampling method. The forms, types and distribution of outpatient navigation service system were investigated and analyzed by using a self-designed questionnaire. Results There were a total of 14 forms of counseling-guide services in the 10 hospitals. Just 1 hospital provided all the 14 forms of counseling-guide services, and 2 hospitals provided 13 forms of counseling-guide services, which were relatively complete. While the other 7 large hospitals provided only 4 to 6 forms of counseling-guide services, which were relatively simple. Conclusion Qualified outpatient navigation service system can help patients to receive more effective treatment, optimize the environment, highlighting the modern hospital humanistic service and the concept of intelligent service and scientific management.

    Release date:2017-09-22 03:44 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 心理咨询患者爽约的原因分析及对策

    目的调查分析心理咨询患者爽约的原因,提出减少爽约的对策并实施,以最大限度地利用医院目前有限的心理咨询医疗资源。 方法采用自行设计的《心理咨询爽约患者就诊服务调查问卷》,对 2012 年 7 月-2013 年 7 月 1 434 例爽约的心理咨询患者采用随机抽样的方法,对其中 500 例患者进行自填式问卷调查和电话询问,分析其爽约主要原因。根据分析结果,制定相应的干预措施。 结果共收回 480 份有效问卷。因为时间问题而爽约的患者占绝大多数,是心理咨询患者爽约的主要原因,其中由于具体就诊时间不明而爽约的患者占 41.9%,取号时间错过达到 22.5%,遗忘就诊时间占 18.5%。 结论实施预约平台完善短信提示内容、挂号取号处发放就诊时间表、电话提醒次日就诊患者、规范专家出诊等干预措施,能有效地减少心理咨询患者爽约率,合理利用医疗资源。

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  • Reliability and validity verification of a satisfaction evaluation questionnaire for outpatient department employees in public hospitals

    Objective To verify the reliability and validity of a self-developed satisfaction evaluation questionnaire for outpatient department employees in public hospitals, and to provide suitable tools for conducting such surveys. Methods Two anonymous surveys were conducted on all employees of the Outpatient Department of West China Hospital of Sichuan University in July 2019 and November 2021, respectively. Questionnaire items were screened using methods such as item distribution, coefficient of variation, and decision value, and the reliability and validity of the questionnaire were evaluated using Spearman-Brown coefficient and Cronbach’s α coefficient, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis. Results The final questionnaire retained 14 items, which could be divided into two dimensions: work conditions and interpersonal environment, and the overall fit index of structural equation model were as follows: χ2/ν=6.957, the standardized root mean square residual was 0.061, the root mean square error of approximation was 0.147, the goodness-of-fit index was 0.796, the adjusted goodness-of-fit index was 0.719, the normed fit index was 0.849, the relative fit index was 0.819, the incremental fit index was 0.868, the Tucker-Lewis Index was 0.841, and the comparative fit index was 0.867. The combined reliability of the two factors in the questionnaire was 0.94 and 0.91, respectively. The average variance extraction was 0.67 and 0.76, respectively, and the square root of the average variance extraction was 0.82 and 0.87, respectively, both of which were greater than the correlation coefficient of 0.71 between the two factors. The Spearman-Brown coefficient of the final questionnaire was 0.913, and the Cronbach’s α coefficients for the overall and two dimensions were 0.953, 0.937, and 0.910, respectively. Conclusion The reliability and validity of the satisfaction evaluation questionnaire for outpatient department employees in public hospitals are good and the questionnaire can be applied to practical surveys.

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