Objective To assess the quality of diagnostic studies on detecting the tuberculosis antibody to diagnose tuberculosis.
Methods CBM (1978 to 2006) and VIP (1994 to 2006) were searched; any author-claimed diagnostic studies which used the dot immunogold filtration assay (DIGFA) to detect the tuberculosis antibody and to diagnose tuberculosis were included. The Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) was used to assess the quality of included diagnostic studies by two reviewers independently.
Results Thirty-eight papers were included and assessed. We found that most of the quality items were not met with QUADAS. Most papers adopted the retrospective diagnostic case-control design. Thirty-one papers did not describe the selection criteria clearly, 18 did not describe whether all the included patients were verified by using a reference standard of diagnosis, 36 did not describe whether the index test results were interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference standard, 37 did not report the uninterpretable/intermediate test results, and 34 did not report the withdrawals from the study.
Conclusion There are few high quality studies on using DIGFA to detect tuberculosis antibody to diagnose tuberculosis.
Citation: LIU Xia,LI Jing,AI Changlin,ZHAO Yuanxun. Assessing the Quality of Diagnostic Studies on Using Dot Immunogold Filtration Assay to Diagnose Tuberculosis. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2006, 06(12): 893-896. doi: Copy
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