Objective To investigate the effect of nidus vespae on lymphocyte blastisation in mixed culture system of lymphocyte and pancreatic islet.
Methods Solution of nidus vespae was extracted with ethanol from its herb. Rat lymphocyte and pig pancreatic islet were isolated and then were mixed together and cultured in incubators of 37 ℃ (concentration in volume: 5%CO2). Three different concentrations of extracted solution of nidus vespae (experimental group Ⅰ: 4.0 g/ml, group Ⅱ: 0.4 g/ml, group Ⅲ: 0.2 g/ml) were added to the mixed culture system of lymphocyte, respectively. Radioactive nuclide counts per minute were measured by 3H-thymdine test in order to examine the role of nidus vespae in inhibiting blatisation of lymphocyte, and the results were also compared with control group and CsA group, respectively.
Results The counts were all reduced significantly (P<0.001) in 3 experimental groups compared with control group (group Ⅰ 45.3%, group Ⅱ 29.6%and group Ⅲ 9.2%). It also showed that the inhibitory effect became ber in higher concentration but still weaker than that in CsA group (80.7%).
Conclusion Nidus vespae could inhibit the blastisation of lymphocyte in mixed culture system of lymphocyte and pancreatic islet, and the effect increased as the the concentration increased, which may suggest that nidus vespae could suppress the rejection induced by T cells.
Citation: WU Dequan,CHEN Ming,HUANG Yuenan,TAI Sheng,SUN Tiewei,ZHANG Xinchen,SU Huawei. Effect of Nidus Vespae on Lymphocyte Blastisation in Mixed Culture System of Lymphocyte and Pancreatic Islet. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 2007, 14(2): 168-170. doi: Copy
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