ObjectiveTo investigate the method for generating anchor chemric T lymphocytes that can target tumor associated glycoprotein-72 (TAG72) antigen and analyze their repressive effects on proliferation of TAG72 positive hepatocarcinoma cells. MethodsFirstly, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from healthy volunteers were isolated. And then, CD8+ T cells were isolated from PBMCs via magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS). These lymphocytes were transfected with recombinant vector, anti-TAG72-scFv-CD28-pcDNA3, through Lipofectamine2000 to gernerate anchor chimeric TAG72-specific CD8+ T cells. SMMC7721 (TAG72 positive) hepatocarcinoma cells were co-cultured with chimeric T lymphocytes and their cell cycles were analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM). ResultsAnchor chmeric T lymphcytes targetting TAG72 recognized TAG72 positive SMM7721 cells and repressive effects on their proliferation were observed by flow cytometry. ConclusionAnchor chmeric T lymphcytes targetting TAG72 on tumor surface can specifically recognize TAG72 positive hepatocarcinoma cells and may exert repressive effect on their proliferation.
Citation: XU Hongyong ,XU Li,LI Kaizong. Repression Effects of Anchor Chemric T Lymphocytes on Proliferation of Tumor Associated Glycoprotein 72 Positive Hepatocarcinoma Cells. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 2011, 18(4): 370-373. doi: Copy
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