• Department Internal Medicine, Fudong Public Health Center of Dongtai City, Dongtai Jiangsu 224233, China;
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摘要:目的:探讨系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)肝损害的临床特点、肝损害发生率与SLE的病情严重程度的关系。方法:对98例SLE的临床资料进行分析,收集所有研究对象的临床资料,对肝损害组(30例)的症状与体征、病情程度、肝功能指标、影像学检查结果进行数据分析,并将其部分生化及免疫学指标与无肝损害组(68对照组)进行比较。结果:SLE患者中SLE肝损害的发生率为30.61%。肝损害组中,病情重度16例(53.33%),17例患者(56.67%)无明显自觉症状,以ALT、AST轻中度升高为主。7例患者肝脏B超异常。肝损害组患者的白细胞值明显低与无肝损害组(P lt;0.05)。而2组的血红蛋白、血小板、CRP、ESR、抗核抗体、抗dsDNA抗体、IgG、补体3等比较差异均无统计学意义(P均 gt;0.05)。11例患者接受肾上腺皮质激素(激素)、免疫抑制剂(环磷酰胺、甲氨蝶呤)等药物治疗,9例在出院时复查肝功能正常或好转,另2例肝功能无明显改善;19例患者在接受激素、免疫抑制剂治疗的同时,给予护肝治疗,15例出院复查肝功能正常或好转,另4例无明显改善。而对照组68例中病情重度8例(11.76%)。结论:肝脏是SLE常见累及的靶器官之一,SLE肝损害的临床表现缺乏特异性,以轻至中度肝细胞损害多见,肝损害发生率与SLE病情严重程度成正相关、与SLE的近期预后无关、与长期预后有待进一步研究。
Abstract: Objective: To discuss the relationship between the clinical characteristic, The incidence of liver damage and the severity of SLE. Methods: Carries on the mathematical analysis to 98 example SLE clinical material, the collection all object of study clinical material, to liver harm group (30 examples) the symptom and the symptom,Severity the liver function target, the phantom study inspection result carries on the mathematical analysis, and (68 control groups) carries on its part of biochemistry and the immunology target with the nonliver harm group the comparison.Results: In the SLE patient the SLE liver harms the formation rate is 30.61%.In liver harm group, severe illness in 16 cases (53.33%), 17 example patient (56.67%) not obvious subjective symptom, by ALT, AST light moderate ascension primarily.7 example patient liver B ultra exceptionally.The liver harm group patient’s white blood cell value is lower than the nonliver harm group obviously (P lt;0.05), but 2 groups of hemoglobins, the blood platelet, CRP, ESR, the antinuclear immune body, the antidsDNA immune body, IgG, the complement 3 and so on the comparison differences do not have statistics significance (P gt;0.05). 11 example patients accept the adrenal cortex hormone (hormone), the immunity inhibitor (endoxan, armor ammonia pterin) and so on the medicine treatments, 9 examples when out of hospital reexamines the liver function normal or the change for the better, another 2 example liver function improves not obviously; 19 example patients while accept the hormone, immunity inhibitor treatment, gives protects the liver treatment, 15 example out of hospital reexamination liver function normal or change for the better, another 4 examples improve not obviously. While the control group, 68 cases of severe illness in 8 cases (11.76%).Conclusion: The liver is one of target organs which SLE implicates common, the SLE liver harm. the clinical manifestation lacks the specificity, by sees lightly to the moderate liver cell harm,The incidence of liver damage and SLE severity is positively correlated with shortterm prognosis of SLE has nothing to do with the longterm prognosis remains to be further studied.

Citation: XU Yinglin.. The Systematic Lupus Erythematosus Liver Harms 30 Examples Clinically To Analyze. West China Medical Journal, 2009, 24(11): 3007-3009. doi: Copy

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