摘要:目的: 调查新疆地区维吾尔族与汉族子宫颈癌及癌前病变发病情况,分析宫颈癌高发原因。 方法 : 2000年1月至2005年12月新疆自治区人民医院妇产科门诊及病房行宫颈细胞学检查的维吾尔族、汉族妇女进行筛查,对宫颈病变阳性者(CINI以上)行病理组织学检查,对结果进行对比分析、综合评价。 结果 : 宫颈涂片人数共计23 205例,其中维吾尔族6 999例、汉族16 206例。宫颈病变阳性者237例,经阴道镜下病理活组织检查证实CINI以上(包括CINI、CINII、CINIII、原位癌、鳞癌、腺癌)病变人数173例,最小年龄31岁,原位癌(维吾尔族)、最大年龄76岁,宫颈磷癌(汉族)。维吾尔族105例(6069%)、汉族68例(3931%)。每年阳性例数中维吾尔族均高于汉族,其中2000年、2001年、2004年、2005年有极显著性差异(P lt;001),2002年、2003年有显著性差异(P lt;005),维吾尔族、汉族在各年龄组中的发病情况无显著性差异(P gt;005)。 结论 : 新疆地区宫颈癌及癌前病变的高发原因是由地区环境、医疗条件、医学发展、救助措施等因素综合作用的结果。
Abstract: Objective: To investigate the incidence of cervical cancer and cervical precancerous lesion of uigur nationality and han nationality, in addition, to analysis the cause of cervical cancer’s high incidence. Methods : At first screen cervical cytology of Uigur and Han outpatient and inpatient of department of gynecology and obstetrics in the People’s Hospital of Xinjiang Uigur Autonomous Region from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2004Secondly biopsy for those patients that cervix pathological change shows positive, then contrast analysis and comprehensive evaluation. Results : Cervix smears are 23205 samples. Uigur nation has 6999 samples and Han nation has 16206 samples. There are 237 patients whose cervix pathological changes shows positive. Among them 173 samples were over CINⅠ(include CINⅠ,CINⅡ,CIN Ⅲ,carcinoma in situ, squamous carcinoma and adenocarcinoma) through colposcopy. The youngest was 31 and diagnosed carcinoma in situ(Uigur), the eldest was 76 and diagnosed squamous carcinoma(Han).The samples of Uigur is 105(6069%) and Han is 68(3931%).The positive samples in Uigur is higher than Han each year, the incidence has extremely significant difference among 2000,2001 and 2004(P lt;001), while it has significant difference between 2002 and 2003 (P lt;005), but in each age group it has no significant difference between Uigur and Han (P gt;005). Conclusion : The high incidence of cervical cancer and cervical precancerous lesion in xinjiang is contribute to environment, medical condition, medical development and aid measures coaffect.
Citation: ZHAO Lixia,ZHAO Lihui,ZHANG Guiling.. Analysis of Cause of High Incidence of Cervical Cancer of Xinjiang Area from 2000 to 2005. West China Medical Journal, 2009, 24(10): 2656-. doi: Copy
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