• Tumor Therapy Center,West China Hospital,Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, P. R. China;
LI Jipin, Email: zhangxscu@163.com
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【摘要】 目的  了解肿瘤复发患者希望水平及其影响因素。 方法  2010年10-12月采用Herth希望量表和自制的一般情况调查表,对302例肿瘤复发患者进行问卷调查,并对相关影响因素进行分析。 结果  肿瘤复发患者希望总体均分为(31.14±5.56)分,7.95%(24例)的患者希望评分为低等水平,74.50%(225例)的患者希望评分为中等水平,17.55%(53例)的患者希望评分为高等水平。肿瘤复发患者希望水平得分的主要影响因素有:婚姻状况、工作状况、医疗费用支付情况、肿瘤类型以及无瘤生存时间。其中,与未婚患者相比,离异患者希望水平较低;与在职患者相比,退休患者希望水平较高;在医疗费用的支付方式上,自费所占的比例越大,患者希望水平越低;与其他肿瘤类型相比,以乳腺癌患者希望水平最低;此外,患者无瘤生存时间越长,其希望水平就越低。 结论  尽管肿瘤复发患者希望水平受多种因素的影响,但多数患者仍对现状和未来充满希望,其希望仍维持在较高水平。
【Abstract】 Objective  To explore the level of hope and the influential factors of hope in patient with tumor recurrence. Methods  A total of 302 patients with tumor recurrence were enrolled. The patients were investigated by Herth Hope Scale and self-designed questionnaire.  Results  The average level of hope in patients with tumor recurrence was 31.14±5.56; of the total patients,7.95% (24 patients) had low level, 74.50% (225 patients) had media level and 17.55% (53 patients) had high level of hope. Parts of demographic characteristics had significant influences on level of hope and specifically: patient devoiced had lower level of hope than patients married (F=-1.868,P lt;0.05); patients retired had higher level of hope than patients on job (F=2.004,P lt;0.005); patients with greater own proportion of medical expense had lower level of hope than patients with smaller own proportion of medical expense (F=-0.937,P lt;0.05); patients with breast cancer had lower level of hope than patients with other type of cancer (F=-10.824,P lt;0.001); and finally, patients with longer free survival time had lower level of hope than patients with shorter free survival time (F=-1.930,P lt;0.001). Conclusion  Parts of demographic characteristics have significant influences on level of hope in patients with tumor recurrence, but most patients still have high level of hope.

Citation: ZHANG Xiaoxia,FU Lan,LI Jipin. The Level of Hope and the Influential Factors of Hope in Patients with Tumor Recurrence. West China Medical Journal, 2011, 26(10): 1528-1532. doi: Copy

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