PURPOSE: To explore the pathogenesis of anisometropic and amblyopias. METHODS:To carry out on monocular and binocular atropinized cat models during the developmental period for anisometropia and ametropia ,and measure the cytosomal sectional area and some parameters of the dendric field from the dorsal lateral geniculate nuclei (dLGN)of adult cats by using Golgi-Cox staining. RESULIS:The changes of cytosomal sectional areas and parameters about dendric fields in the dLGN of experimental cats were as following:significant differences between cells of dLGN's A1 lamina by the monocular atropinized eyes and normal ones, binocular atropinized eyea and normal ones;no significant difference between tbat driven by the monoular and binocular atropinized eyes. CONCLUSIONS:There might be resemble pathogenesis between anisomelropic and ametropic amblyopias. (Chin J Ocul Fundus Dis,1996,12:153-156)
Citation: Liu Longqian,Guo Xiufang,Hua.Wei,et al.. CYTOMORPHOLOGIC CHANGES OF DORSAL LATERAL GENICULATE NUCLEI OF THE CATS WITH CHRONICALLY ATROPINIZED EYE IN VISUAL DEVELOPMENTAl PERIOD. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 1996, 12(3): 153-156. doi: Copy
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