Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of retinal angioma. Methods The clinical data of 16 cases(20 e yes) were retrospectively analyzed, and the patients included 5 males and 11 females of 23.3 yeras old on average. Four cases in this series affected by bilateral retinal angiomas were identified as von Hippel-Lindou disease. The retinal an giomas were divided into 5 stages according to their degrees of developmnet from simple angiom without vessel dilation to feeder vessel dilation and intraretina l exudates, local retinal detachemnt, massive retinal detachment and complication occurrence in proper order. The methods of treatment were laser photocoagulati on, trans-scleral cryotherapy and vitreoretinal surgery. The patinets were followed up for 37.8 months on average. Results There were 10 eyes (2 in stage 1, 7 in stage 2, 1 in stage 3)treated with laser photocoagulation, and all of the angiomas were controlled after the treatment. The visual acuity im proved in 2 eyes, decreased in 4 eyes, and remained unchanged in 4 eyes. Cryothe r apy was performed on 7 eyes(5 in stage 3, 2 in stage 4). The visual deteriortion was found in 5 eyes; and the state of illness was stable in 3 eyes in stage 3 a nd aggravating in 4 eyes (2 in stage 3, 2 in stage 4). Vitreoretinal surgery was performed on 4 eyes including 2 which had been given photocoagulation, and the visual acuity improved in 2 eyes, decreased in 1 eye, and was unimproved in 1 ey e . The visual acuity decreased to no light perception in an untreated eye after 1.5 year follow-up. New angiomas occurred in 3 eyes with Von Hippel-Lindou disease in the follow-up period. Conclusion Laser photocoagulation is effective in treating the angiomas from stage 1 to 3. Cryotherapy can cause massive exudation and proliferation, and it is only suitable for a few patients in stage 3. The visual prognosis is more favorable in vitreoretinal surgery tha n other therapies for the patients in stage 4. (Chin J Ocul Fundus Dis, 2001,17:296-298)
Citation: PENG Xiaoyan,WANG Guanglu,ZHANG Feng,et al.. Observation on the clinical therapeutic efficacy of retinal angiomas. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 2001, 17(4): 296-298. doi: Copy
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