The knowledge of uveitis of Chinese eye doctors has been improved in general. While the usage of glucocorticoid agents was more reasonable, other non-corticoid immunosuppressant get more attention recently. The usage of antibiotics also has being reduced gradually. The international impact of our uveitis research has been enhanced. However there are still some problems, such as big difference between different regions of uveitis research, still many misunderstandings on the treatment of uveitis complications, and the reasonable evaluation of intravitreal injection with glucocorticoid needs emphasis. In China Behcet prime;s disease and Vogt-Koyangi-Harada syndrome are the most common uveitis subtypes which can lead to blindness,but some rare subtypes of uveitis are also increasing such as syphilitic uveitis, acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS),mycotic endophthalmitis and masquerade syndrome. In the future we need cooperative studies between multicenters to investigate the effectiveness of different treatment strategies for Behcet prime;s disease and Vogt-Koyangi-Harada syndrome, and to optimizing the best therapeutic schedule. We also need to pay more attentions to the clinical features of those uveitis subtypes which increased recently;and to investigate the prevention and therapeutic effect of induction of immune tolerance to uveitis.
Citation: Peizeng YANG. Uveitis reserch in China: problems and future directions. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 2008, 24(5): 317-320. doi: Copy
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