Objective To observe the characteristics of fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) in different types of pathologic myopic maculopathy and evaluate the influence factor.Methods The clinical data of 251 patients (451 eyes) with pathologic myopic maculopathy were retrospectively analyzed. The patients were divided into 6 groups according to FFA characteristics: (1) lacquer cracks (LC); (2) choroidal neovascularization (CNV); (3) macular hemorrhage with LCs; (4) Fuchs spots; (5) macular atrophy; (6) macular hole. Their relationship with age, gender, refraction and (BCVA) were analyzed.Results Older age was significantly associated with CNV and macular atrophy (OR=1.034,CI=1.019-1.049,P<0.001;OR=1.054,CI=1.031-1.076,P<0.001; respectively);younger age was associated with hemorrhage with LC (OR=0.906,CI=0.876-0.937,P<0.001). Higher myopic refractive error was associated with macular atrophy (OR=0.762,CI=0.705-0.824,P<0.001), whereas lower myopic refractive error was associated with CNV and macular hole(OR=1.233,CI=1.136-1.338,P<0.001;OR=1.554,CI=1.185-2.038,P<0.001; respectively). A worse visual acuity was associated with CNV (OR=1.835,CI=1.180 -2.854,P=0.007), while better visual acuity was associated with LC (OR=0.506,CI=0.328 - 0.782,P=0.002). There was no gender difference in distribution of high myopic maculopathy types. Conclusions Pathologic myopic maculopathy can be divided into six types. With increasing age, the incidence rates of CNV and macular atrophy increases, hemorrhage with LC but decreases. With the rise of myopic refractive, the incidence rates of CNV and macular hole decreases, macular atrophy but increases.
Citation: 陈卉,文峰,左成果,张雄泽,黄时洲,罗光伟. Analysis of associated factors and characteristics of different types of pathologic myopia maculopathy in fundus fluorescein angiography. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 2012, 28(4): 350-354. doi: Copy
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