Objective To observe the related complications of 23G pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). Methods One hundred and fifteen patients who underwent 23G PPV were enrolled in this study. There were 98 patients (65.3%) with macular diseases, 46 patients (30.7%) with proliferative diabetic retinopathy, four patients (2.7%) with vitreous hemorrhage, one patient (0.7%) with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, and lens nucleus falling off in cataract surgery in one patient (0.7%). Among 98 patients with macular diseases, 21 patients (21.4%) underwent topical anesthesia, 77 patients (78.6%) underwent retrobulbar anesthesia. DORC "twostep method" was performed in three patients, and Alcon 23G PPV "onestep method" was performed in 147 patients. The operation times ranged from 20 to 100 minutes, with a mean of (51.1±18.9) minutes. The follow-up ranged from three to 12 months. The intraoperative and postoperative complications were observed. Results Intraoperative complications was found in seven patients (4.7%), which included iatrogenic retinal breaks in one patient (0.7%), macular damage in one patient (0.7%), suprachoroidal perfusion in one patient (0.7%), puncture leakage and closure incision in two patients (1.3%), vitreous hemorrhage in one patient (0.7%) and stopper broken off in cannula in one patient (0.7%). Postoperative complications was found in 34 patients (22.7%), which including retinal detachment in one patient (0.7%), vitreous hemorrhage in three patients (2.0%), cataract in three patient (2.0%), intraocular pressure <10 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa) in 20 patient (13.3%), and transient ocular hypertension in seven patients (4.7%). After treatment there was no complication associated with surgery. Conclusion Intraoperative complications related to incision and transient hypotony are mainly complications of 23G PPV.
Citation: 程朝晖,胡博杰,刘巨平,李筱荣. Related complications analysis of 23G pars plana vitrectomy. Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases, 2012, 28(2): 142-144. doi: Copy
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