From June, 1987 through June, 1994, 126 cases of injuries of major arteries of the extremities were treated, in which Nationedmade Teflon artificial vascular prosthesis was used to repair in 20 cases. Eighteen of the twenty cases were operated immediately after initial injury and the other two had secondary operation. The sites of the original injuries were as follows: the external iliac artery in 1, femoral artery in 15, popliteal artery in 2 and the brachial artery in 2. The length of the defect of the artery was measured from 3 to 12cm. In 2 of 20 cases, the artificial vascular prosthesis was used because of the failurs of primary repair from autogenous saphaneous vein graft. The shortterm patency rate was 100 per cent and the longterm patency rate was 95 per cent. The diagnosis of vascular injury, the properties of the artificial vascular prosthesis and the points important in operation were discussed.
Citation: Yu Liming,Liang Chaoge,Han Weizhu,et al.. ARTIFICIAL VASCULAR PROSTHESIS IN THE REPAIR OF ARTERIAL INJURIES OF THE EXTREMITIES. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1995, 9(2): 79-80. doi: Copy
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