OBJECTIVE To study the protective effects of Schwann cell derived neurotrophic factor (SDNF) on motoneurons of spinal anterior horn from spinal root avulsion induced cell death. METHODS Twenty SD rats were made the animal model of C6.7 spinal root avulsion induced motoneuron degeneration, and SDNF was applied at the lesion site of spinal cord once a week. After three weeks, the C6.7 spinal region was dissected out for motoneuron count, morphological analysis and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) enzyme histochemistry. RESULTS 68.6% motoneurons of spinal anterior horn death were occurred after 3 weeks following surgery, the size of survivors was significantly atrophy and NOS positive neurons increased. However, in animals which received SDNF treatment, the death of motoneurons was significantly decreased, the atrophy of surviving motoneurons was prevented, and expression of NOS was inhibited. CONCLUSION SDNF can prevent the death of motoneurons following spinal root avulsion. Nitric oxide may play a role in these injury induced motoneuron death.
Citation: LIU Li jun,ZHU Jia kai,XIAO Jian de. RESCUE OF MOTONEURON FROM BRACHIAL PLEXUS NERVE ROOT AVULSION INDUCED CELL DEATH BY SCHWANN CELL DERIVED NEUROTROPHIC FACTOR. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 1999, 13(5): 295-298. doi: Copy
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