Objective To compare the efficiency of epidermis cell culture between big graft method and small strip method. Methods The big graft method was to cut the skin tissue reticularly from dermis layer while the epidermis were not cut off. After it was digested fully in trypsin, theepidermis was separated from skin and was used to culture epidermal cells. The small strip method was routine. The time to cut the skin and to separate the epidermis was recorded, and the number and quality of cells were compared between two methods. Results It took 8-10 minutes to cut an area of 5 cm2 skin into small strips and 1-2 minutes into big grafts. It took 10-15 minutes to separate the epidermis from the same area skin by small strip method and 2 minutes by big graft method. The cells showed better vigor and its number was more by big grafts than by small strips.The chance of fibroblast contamination was reduced obviously. Conclusion The big graft method is simpler than the small strip method and can culture more epidermis cells with less chance of fibroblast contamination.
Citation: LU Tao,JIN Yan,GAO Tianwen,et al.. COMPARISON STUDIES ON EPIDERMIS CELL CULTURE EFFICIENCY BETWEEN BIG GRAFT METHODAND SMALL STRIP METHOD. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2004, 18(6): 505-507. doi: Copy
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