• Department of Breast, the International Peace and Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Shanghai, 200030,P.R. China;
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Objective To investigate the location of the artery correlated with rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap in order to promote the reconstruction of the breast after radical mastectocy for breast cancer.Methods An anatomic study was carried out on 15 cadavers of 30 sides,which were immersed in paraformaldehyde less than six months. Whole thoraepigastrica wall was cutted, which scale was from subclavian as upper limit to inguinal ligament, the lower limit across left and right of middle axillary. Veins or arteriesof inferior epigastrica and internal thorax in hang were injected with red or blue ink to show all of vessel branches. Results The external diameters of both the superior epigastric arteries and inferior vessels were 1.87±0.28 mm and 2.25±0.32 mm respectively. The myocutaneous arteries from inferior abdomen vessels had an intensive horizontal distribution on hylum. The perforators significantly decreased but could be found to pass through anterior rectus sheath in Rand. The distances between lateral perforators and Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ parts in external edge of anterior rectus sheath were 1.22, 1.46 and1.57 cm, respectively; and the distances between medial perforators and Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and Ⅲ parts at median line were 1.54, 1.62, 1.66 cm. Perforators were more thick and intensive near hylum than in other part. The subcostal arteries derived from inferior abdomen artery and 1.25±0.37 cm away from costal arch. Afterdividing into subcostal artery, the outer diameter of 67 percent of subcostal artery was bigger than that of inferior abdomen arteries. The branches of subcostalarteries were distributed at the 2/3 lateral rectus abdominis, forming an extenive choke anastomosis system with intercostal anterior artery and vessels supplied diaphragmatic muscle. The rectus abdominis at the level of xyphoid was supplied by a branch came from inferoir thorax artery, which diverged epigastric vessels at the same time.Conclusion During the process of makingthe inferior transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap base on superior epigastric vessels and superoir rectus abdobminis, reservation of pro-theca edge 1 cm of rectus abdominis can protect inferior abdomen artery from injury. Reservation of more than 2 cm pro-theca and rectus abdominis below costal arch at the flag will protect effectively subcostal artery from injury. No damage of subcostal arteries can influence the survival of musculocutaneous flap.

Citation: SHAO Yuguo,ZHOU Xiaoyun,HU Xiuquan,et al.. PRELIMINARY DISSECTION OF THE BLOOD SUPPLY ON MYOCUTANEOUS FLAP OF RECTUS ABDOMINIS ON HYPOGASTRIC ZONE. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2006, 20(9): 877-880. doi: Copy

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