Objective-To apply self-pulmonary tissue flap to reconstruct esophagus directly or with alloy stent in this research. Methods Twenty-four dogs were divided into two groups, middle bronchus was ligated to prepare pulmonaryflap and incised, a 4 to 6 cm long and 1/2 to 2/3 perimeter defect was made in esophageal wall. Esophagus defect was repaired only with pulmonary flap (experimental group) and with pulmonary flap having self-expanded stent inside (control group). The gross appearance, histological apearance and barium X-ray films were observed at 2,4,6,8,10 and 12 weeks after operation. Results Two dogs died of anatomotic leak in experimental group, three dogs died of anatomotic leak and two dogs died of perforation of ulcer in control group. The growth of esophagus epithelium was observed from periphery area to central area after 8 to 10 weeks of operation. In pulmonary flap mass fibrous tissue proliferated and fibroblasts were active, but no necrosis occurred. Barium X-ray ofregenerated esophagus showed that mild stenosis and weakened peristalisis were observed in the middle of resophagus replacement, and that no obstruction, leakage, and dilation above anastomotic stoma occurred. Conclusion Pulmonary tissue flap can well support the mucosa crawl in the defect of esophagus. It is necessary to find a more suitable and satisfied stent for repairing segmental defect.
Citation: LIU Jun,SHI Wenjun,ZHANG Suning,et al.. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH OF ESOPHAGUS REPLACEMENT WITH PULMONARY FLAP IN DOGS. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2006, 20(5): 507-510. doi: Copy
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