Objective To investigate the development made in the reparation and reconstruction of the postburn deformity and functional disability in the advanced-stage patients. Methods Based on the reviewedliterature at home and abroad and combined with our clinical experience, the new reparative and reconstructive techniques for the patients with advanced stagedeformity and functional disability were evaluated. Results The reparative and reconstructive microsurgical techniques achieved a significantdevelopment in treating the following pathologic changes after burn: deformity due to proliferation and contracture of the scars, severe hand deformity, defects occurring in the muscle tendons and nerves due to electricity burn, and defects occurring in the long tubular bones of the extremities. Concl usion Although there has been a great achievement in this field, there is still a hard task of finding out newer therapeutic approaches and achieving more effective results in the future.
Citation: SHEN Zuyao.. REPARATION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF THE POSTBURN DEFORMITY AND FUNCTIONAL DISABILITY. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2006, 20(4): 336-338. doi: Copy
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