• Department of Orthopedics,Longgang Center Hospital of Shenzhen, Shenzhen Guangdong, 518116, P.R.China.;
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Objective To evaluate surgical results of the titanium screwplate internal fixation in treatment of the lower cervical fracture dislocation. Methods From September 2001 to March 2006, 31 patients(24 males, 7 females; age range, 2063 years) with the lower cervical fracturedislocation were treated in our department. The injuries were caused by a road accident in 25 patients, a high crash in 4, and a heavy object crash in 2. The fracture dislocation occurred in the following cervical segments:C3(1 patient),C4(5 patients), C5(12 patients), C6(10 patients), and C7(3 patients). The disease course ranged from 1 to 23 days. The associated spinal nerve root injury occurred in 29 patients. The Frankle scaling revealed that 14 patients were at Grade A, 3 at Grade B, 7 at Grade C, 3 at Grade D, and 2 at Grade E (associated nerve root injury with hand and shoulder numbness). The 29 patients underwentthe spinal cord decompression, the grafting fusion of the small joints, and thelateral mass titanium screwplate internal fixation; 2 patients without nerve injury underwent only the grafting fusion of the small joints and the lateral mass titanium screwplate internal fixation. The bone fusion, cervical vertebra movement, and internal fixation condition were observed by the X-ray examinations postoperatively. The nerve function recovery was evaluated by the Frankle scaling system. Results The followedup in all the patients for 6months to 4 years revealed that the small joint fusion time was 36 months, with an average of 3.6 months. The cervical X-ray films showed that there was no instability or fracture looseness of the internal fixation at 6 months. Among the 29 patients with the spinal nerve root injury, 14 were at Grade A preoperatively but 13 were improved at Grade B and 1 at Grade C postoperatively; 3 were at Grade B preoperatively but 2 were improved at Grade C and 1 at Grade D postoperatively; 7 were at Grade C preoperatively but 3 were improved at Grade D and 4 at Grade E postoperatively; 3 at Grade D preoperatively but all the 3 were improvedat Grade E postoperatively; 2 were at Grade E preoperatively and remained unchanged postoperatively. In the 2 patients with only the nerve root injury, numbness disappeared soon after operation. Conclusion This posteriorapproach has two advantages: the mobility range of the cervical vertebra can preserved to the greatest extent because of the short segment fixation; the betterstability can obtained because of the titanium screwplate internal fixation on the cervical jointcolumn to prevent the hyperextension and hyperflexion. Therefore, the titanium screwplate internal fixation on the cervical lateral massis an effective treatment of the lower cervical fracture dislocation.

Citation: ZHANG Xin,HE Mushun,ZHANG Zhankui,et al.. TREATMENT OF LOWER CERVICAL FRACTURE DISLOCATION BY TITANIUM SCREW-PLATE INTERNAL FIXATION ON CERVICAL LATERAL MASS. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2007, 21(4): 374-377. doi: Copy

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