• College of Life Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou Fujian, 350108, P. R. China.;
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【Abstract】 Objective To summarize the latest developments in silk fibroin as biomaterials and its appl ications
in tissue engineering. Methods The recent original l iterature on silk fibroin as biomaterials were extensively reviewed,
illustrating the properties and appl ications of silk fibroin biomaterials in tissue engineering. Results Silk fibroin
as biomaterials had good biocompatibil ity and degradabil ity. It supported the cell adhesion differentiation and growth. It was used for artificial l igament, vessel, bone, nerve and so on. After modification, silk fibroin could be extensively used in tissue engineering. Conclusion Silk fibroin is a good biomaterial, which has a great potential appl ications in tissue engineering.

Citation: WANG Hongxin,LI Min.. RECENT PROGRESS ON SILK FIBROIN AS TISSUE ENGINEERING BIOMATERIALS. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2008, 22(2): 192-195. doi: Copy

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