【Abstract】 Objective To investigate and evaluate the effectiveness of covering amputated raw surface with free
tissue transplantation from damaged limbs. Methods Between August 2010 and June 2011, 5 cases of severe injury of lower extremities were treated, including 4 males and 1 female with an age range of 3 years and 8 months to 43 years. Of them, 3 cases suffered from traffic accident injury and 2 had machine injury. The disease duration was 2-9 hours. Among the 5 cases, 1 suffered from half pelvis destruction and traumatic amputation of hip joint, 1 from comminuted open fracture of proximal femur, and another 3 from thigh destruction with survival soft tissue of legs. All cases were treated with emergency operation of amputation. The raw surface of the residual stumps was 20 cm × 10 cm to 20 cm × 20 cm in size. Two lateral anterior thigh flaps and 3 posterior tibial artery flaps were harvested from the damaged limbs. The flap size ranged from 15 cm × 10 cm to 25 cm × 20 cm. The wounds were repaired with free tissue transplantation. Results Five transplanted tissue flaps were survival. Skin necrosis occurred in the wound edge at 7-10 days postoperatively and was cured after excision of necrotic tissue, dressing change or vacuumed drainage for 1-2 months. All wounds healed and the patients were followed up 1-3 months. No sinus tract or ulceration was observed. The appearance of stumps was satisfactory. Conclusion The effectiveness of repairing amputated raw surface with free tissue transplantation from amputated limbs is satisfactory. It is an effective procedure to repair the raw surface of amputated stumps.
Citation: YANG Wengbo,WU Xiaoshu,YANG Dawei,JIANG Chunzhi.. FREE TISSUE TRANSPLANTATION FROM AMPUTATED LIMBS FOR COVERING RAW SURFACE OF STUMPS. Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery, 2012, 26(2): 215-218. doi: Copy
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