颞叶癫痫(Temporal lobe epilepsy,TLE)是最常见的限局性癫痫,药物治疗效果差,因此是癫痫外科治疗的主要类型。但标准前颞切除后 1~2 年无发作率仅为 65%,其原因之一是双侧颞叶癫痫(Bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy,BTLE)。BTLE 的定义尚无统一标准,在临床及头皮脑电图可发现有 BTLE 的可能,颅内电极尤其是立体定向脑电图在确定 BTLE 方面起决定性作用。BTLE 的确切发生率尚不了解,在 TLE 大约 30%~40% 为 BTLE。双侧颞叶间有功能性相互密切联系,一侧颞叶病变或功能异常很容易影响对侧颞叶,逐渐形成 BTLE。BTLE 几乎均为药物难治的,在精准定位定侧的情况下,如能证实发作的 50%~80% 以上起于一侧,神经心理检查对侧颞叶功能适当,无颞外症状,行一侧颞叶切除 30% 预后好。对 BTLE 尚有很多需深入研究的问题,尤其是外科治疗的适应证及预后。今后应深入开展多中心大样本前瞻性研究。
Citation: 王薇薇, 吴逊. 双侧颞叶癫痫. Journal of Epilepsy, 2020, 6(2): 117-126. doi: 10.7507/2096-0247.20200021 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Journal of Epilepsy of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Gollwitzer S, Scott CA, Farrell F, et al. The long-term course of temporal lobe epilepsy: From unilateral to bilateral interictal epileptiform dischange in repeated video-EEG minotorings. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2017, 68: 17-21. |
2. | Boling W, Aghakhani Y, Andermann F. et al Surgical treatment of independent bitenporal lobe epilepsy difined by invasive recordings. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2009, 80(5): 533-538. |
3. | King-Stephen D, Miro E, Weber PB, et al. Lateratization of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with chronic ambulatory electroencephalography. Epilepsia, 2015, 56(6): 959-967. |
4. | Schmidt D, Baumgartner C. Löscher W Seizure recurrence after planned discontinuation of antiepileptic drugs in seizure-free patients after epilepsy surgery: a review of current clinical experience. Epilepsia, 2004, 45(2): 179-186. |
5. | Ryvlin P, Kahane P. The hidden causes of surgery-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy: extratemporal or temporal plus. Curr Opin Neural, 2005, 18(2): 125-127. |
6. | Salanova V, Markand O, Worth R. Temporal lobe epilepsy: Analysis of failures and the role of reoperation. Acta Neurol Scand, 2005, 111(2): 126-133. |
7. | Aghakhani Y, Liu XR, Jette N, et al. Epilepsy surgery in patients with bileteral temporal lobe seizures: A systimatic review. Epilepsia, 2014, 55(12): 1892-1901. |
8. | Hennessy MJ, Elwes RD, Binnie CD, et al. Failed surgery for epilepsy. A study of persistence and recurrence of seizure following temporal resection. Brain, 2000, 123(Pt12): 2445-2466. |
9. | Kahane P, Barba C, Rheimss et al. The concept of temporal ‘plus’ epilepsy. Rev Neurol(Paris), 2015, 171(3): 267-273. |
10. | Barba C, Rheims S, Minottic L, et al. Temporal plus epilepsy is a major determenant of temporal lobe surgery failure. Brain, 2016, 139(Pt2): 444-451. |
11. | Chkhenkeli SA, Towle VL, Lortkipanidze GS, et al. Mutually suppressive interrelations of symmetric epileptic foci in bitemporal epilepsy and their inhibitory stimulation. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 2007, 109(1): 7-22. |
12. | Rehalka P, Dolezalova I, Janousova E, et aI. Ictal and postictal semiology in patient with bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2014, 41(1): 40-44. |
13. | Okujava M, Schulz R, Hoppe M, et al. Bilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: Comprasion of scalp EEG and hippocampal MRI-T2 relaxometry. Acta Neunol Scand, 2004, 110(3): 148-153. |
14. | Didato G, Chiesa V, Villani F, et al. Bitemporal epilepsy: A specific anatomo-electro-clinical phenotype in the temporal lobe epilepsy spectrum. Seizure, 2015, 31: 112-119. |
15. | Di Vito L, Mauguière F, Catenoix H, et al. Epileptic networks in patients with bitemporal epilepsy: the role of SEEG for the selection of good surgical candidates. Epilepsy Research, 2016, 128: 73-82. |
16. | So N, Gloor P, Quesney LF, et al. Depth electrode investigations in patients with bitemporal epileptiform abnormalities. Ann Neurol, 1989, 25(5): 423-431. |
17. | Holmes MD, Miles AN, Dodrill CB, et al. Identifying potential surgical candidates in patient with evidence of bitemporal epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2003, 44(8): 1025-1029. |
18. | Sparedda F, Cendes F, Gotman J. Relation between EEG seizure morphology. Interhemispheric spread, and mesial temporal atrophy in bitemporal epilepsy. Epilepsia, 1997, 38(10): 1300-1314. |
19. | Janszky J, Raásonyi G, Clemems Z, et al. Clinical differences in patient with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis and unitemporal or bitemporal epileptiform discharges. Seizure, 2003, 12: 550-554. |
20. | Harroud A, Bauthillier A, Weil AG, et al. Temporal lobe epilepsy surgery failure: A review. Epilepsy Research and Treatment, 2012: 1-10. |
21. | Jehi LE, Silveina DC, Bimgaman W, et al. Temporal lobe epilepsy surgery failures, predictor of seizure recurrence, yield of reevaluation, and outcome following reoperation. J Neurosurg, 2010, 113: 1186-1194. |
22. | Ramos E, Benbadis S, Vale FI. Failure of temporal lobe resection of epilepsy in patients with mesial temporal sclerosis, results and treatment options: climical artile. J Neurosurg, 2009, 110: 1127-1134. |
23. | Miró J, Gurtubay-Antolin A, Ripolles P, et al. Interhemispheric microstructural connectivity in bitemporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. Cortex, 2015, 67: 106-121. |
24. | Kuchukhidze G, Helbox R, Unterberger I, el al. Bilateral mesial temporal polymicrogyria: a case report. J Neural Neursurg Psychiatry, 2008, 79: 483-484. |
25. | Gillinden L, Lehn A, Papacostas J, et al. Refractory epilepsy secondary to anti-GAD encephalitis treated with DBS post SEEG evaluation: a novel case report based on stimulation findings. Epileptic Disorder, 2018, 20(5): 451-456. |
26. | Dericioglu N, Oguz KK, Soylemezoglu F, et al. Resective surgery is possible in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy due to bilateral isolated hippocampal malformation. Clim Neural Neurosurg, 2009, 111(6): 554-557. |
27. | Eran A, Hodes A, Izbudak I. Bilateral temporal lobe disease: looking beyond herpes encephalitis. Insights Imaging, 2016, 7(2): 265-274. |
28. | Halász P. The medical temporal lobe epilepsy is a bilateral disease—novet aspect. J Epileptology, 2016, 24: 141-155. |
29. | Meenc ke HJ, Veith G. Hippocanpal sclerosis in epilepsy. In Luders H (editor). Epilepsy Surgery. New York. Raven Press. 1991, P705-715. |
30. | Sirver JI, Malamut BI, Liparace JD, et al. Outcome after temporal lobectomy in bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Ann Neurol, 1997, 42(6): 873-878. |
31. | Schulz R, Lüders HO, Hoppe M, et al. Lack of aura expevience correlates with bitemporal dysfunction in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Research, 2001, 43(3): 201-210. |
32. | Smart O, Ralston JD, Epstein CM, et al. Hippocampal seizure-onset laterality, can change over long timescales: A same-patient obsenvation over 500 days. Epilepsy & Behavior Case Reports, 2013, 1: 56-61. |
33. | Joo EY, Lee Ek, Tae WS, et al. Unitemporal vs Bitemporal hypometabolism in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Arch Neurol, 2004, 61(7): 1074-1078. |
34. | Loesch AM, Feddersen B, Tezer FI, et al. Seizure semiology identifies patient with bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Research, 2015, 109: 197-202. |
35. | Ives-Deliperi V, Butler JT, Jokeit H. Left on right? Lateralizing temporal lobe epilepsy by dynamic amygdala fMRI. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2017, 70(Pt A): 118-124. |
36. | Hirsch LJ, Spencer SS, Spencer DD, et al. Temporal lobectomy in patient with bitemporal epilepsy definied by depth electroencephalognaphy. Ann Neural, 1991, 30(3): 347-356. |
37. | Ergene E, Shih JJ, Blum DE, et al. Freguency of bitemporal independent interictal epileptiform discharges in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2000, 41(2): 213-218. |
38. | Zhou XX, Yu T, Zhang GJ, et al. The sungical outcome of patients with bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Research, 2018, 144: 7-14. |
39. | Spencer SS, Marks D, Katz A, et al. Anatomic correlation of interhippocampal seizure propagation time. Epilepsia, 1992, 33(5): 862-873. |
40. | Waseem H, Osborn KE, Mike MA, et al. Predictors of surgical outcome in medically resistant temporal lobe epilepsy with bilateral features on pre-operative evaluation. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 2015, 139: 199-205. |
41. | Zhang J, Liu QZ, Mei SS, et al. Identifying the affected hemisphere with a multimodal approach in MRI positive or negative, unilateral or bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2014, 10: 71-81. |
42. | Ding P, Zhang S, Zhang J, et al. Contralateral hippocampal stimulation for failed unilateral antetemporal lobetomy in patient with bilaterd temporal lobe epilepsy. Steretactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 2016, 94: 327-325. |
43. | Lacuey N, ZonJy B, Kahriman ES, et al. Funetional connectivity between right and left mesial temporal structure. Brain Struct Funct, 2014, 220(4): 2617-2623. |
44. | Enatsu R, Gongater-Martinez J, Bulacis J, et al. Connections of the limbic net work: A Corticocortical evoked potential study. Cortex, 2015, 62: 20-33. |
45. | Cukiert A, Cukiert CM, Argentoni M, et al. Outcome after cortico-amygdalo-hippocampectomy in patients with severe bilateral mesial temporal sclerosis submitted to invasive reording. Seizure, 2009, 18(7): 515-518. |
46. | Seidenterg M, Kelly KG, Parrish J, et al. Ipsilateral and contralateral MRI volumetric abnormalities in chronic unilateral tempord lobe epilepsy and their clinical correlates. Epilepsia, 2005, 46(3): 420-430. |
47. | Eberhardt KE, Stefan H, Buchfelder M, et al. The significance of bilatenal CSI change for the postoperative outcome in temporal lobe epilepsy. J Computer Assisted Tomography, 2000, 24(6): 919-926. |
48. | Liacu D, Idy-Peretti I, Ducreux D, et al. Diffusion tensor imaging tractography parameters of limbic system bundles in temporal lobe epilepsy patients. J Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2012, 36(3): 561-568. |
49. | Nilsson D, Go C. Rutra JT, et al Bilateral diffusion tensor abnormal of temporal lobe and cigulate gyrus white metter in children with temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Research, 2008, 81: 128-135. |
50. | Pittau F, Grova C, Moeller F, et al. Patteerns of altered functional connectivity in mesial fempord lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2012, 53: 1013-1023. |
51. | Avesani M, Giacopuzzi S, Bongiovanni LG, et al. EEG-fMRI evaluation of patients with mesial temporal lobe sclerosis. Neuroradiology J, 2014, 27(1): 45-54. |
52. | Jack Jr CR, Sharbrouch FW, Cascino GC, et al. Magnetic resonance image-based hippocampal volumetry: Correlation with outcome ofter temporal lobectomy. Ann Neurol, 1992, 31(4): 138-146. |
53. | King D, Spencer SS, McCarthy G, et al. Bilateral hippocampal atrophy in medial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 1995, 36(9): 905-910. |
54. | Araújo D, Santos AC, Velasco TR, et al. Volumetric evidence of bilateral change in unilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2006, 47(3): 1354-1359. |
55. | Fingersh A, Avedissian C, Shamim S, et al. Bilateral hippocampal atrophy in temporal lobe epilepsy: Effect of depressive symptoms and febrile seizures. Epilepsia, 2011, 51(4): 689-697. |
56. | Yang K, Su J, Lang Y, et al. Contradictory imaging and EEG results in resection surgery of bitemporal lobe epilepsy. A case report. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 2014, 7(3): 731-733. |
57. | Keller SS, Roberts N. Voxel-based morphometry of temporal lobe epilepsy: An introduction and review of the literature. Epilepsia, 2008, 49(5): 741-757. |
58. | Labate A, Cerasa ss A, Aguglia U, et al. Voxel-based merphometry of sporadic epileptic patients with mesiotemporal sclerosis. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(4): 506-510. |
59. | Chassoux F, Semah F, Bauilleret V, et al. Metabolic change and electro-clinical patterns in mesio-temporal lobe epilepsy: A correlation study. Brain, 2004, 127(11): 164-174. |
60. | Kim MA, Heo K, Choo MK, et al. Relationhip between bilateral temporal hypometabolism and EEG finding for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: Analysis of 18F-FOG. PET using SPM. Seizure, 2005, 15(4): 56-63. |
61. | Guedj E, Bonini F, Gavaret M, et al. 18-FDG-PET in different subtypes of temporal lobe eplilepsy: SEEG validation and predictive value. Epilepsia, 2015, 56(3): 414-421. |
62. | Holmes MD, Dodrill CB, OjemannGA, et al. Outcome following surgery in patients with bitemporal interictal epileptiform pattern. Neurology, 1997, 48(1): 1037-1040. |
63. | Oliveier A, Gloor P, lveo J. Inveatigation et traitment chirurgical de I' épilepsie bitemporale. Union Med Can, 1980, 109(2): 247-250. |
64. | So N, Olivier A, Andermann F, et al. Results of surgical treatment in patient with bitemporal epiletiform abnormalities. Ann Neurol, 1989, 25: 432-439. |
65. | Vogt VL, Nitt JA, Malter MP, et al. Neuropsychological outcome after epilepsy Surgery in patient with bilateral ammon’s horn sclerosis. Clin Neurosurg, 2014, 121: 1247-1256. |
66. | 周晓霞, 遇涛, 张国君, 等. 双侧颞叶癫痫患者的术后疗效分析. 功能神经外科通讯, 2018, 36(1): 15-18. |
67. | Massot-Tarrus A, Steven DA, Mclachlan RS, et al. Outcome of temporal lobe epilepsy surgery evaluated with bitemporal intracanial electrod recording. Epilepsy Research, 2016, 127: 324-330. |
68. | Vale FL, Pallock G, Benbadis SR. Failed epilepsy surgery for mesial temporal lobe sclerosis: a review of the pathophysiology. Neurosurg Focus, 2012, 32(3): 1-6. |
69. | Mintzer S, Cendes F, Soss J, et al. Unilateral hippocampal sclerosis with contrlateral temporal scalp ictal onset. Epilepsia, 2004, 45(7): 792-802. |
70. | Luo H, Zhao Q, Tian Z, et al. Bilateral stereotactic radiofrequency amygdalohippcampectomy for a patient with bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2013, 54(11): e155-e158. |
71. | Malmgren K, Rydenhag B, Baxendale S. Concerns about bilateral radisugical treatment of a patient with bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2014, 55(4): 623. |
72. | Chkhenkeli SA, Sarmka M, Rakviashvili TN, et al. Bitemporal intractable epilepsy: Could if the sungcally treatable? Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurg, 2013, 91(1): 104-112. |
- 1. Gollwitzer S, Scott CA, Farrell F, et al. The long-term course of temporal lobe epilepsy: From unilateral to bilateral interictal epileptiform dischange in repeated video-EEG minotorings. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2017, 68: 17-21.
- 2. Boling W, Aghakhani Y, Andermann F. et al Surgical treatment of independent bitenporal lobe epilepsy difined by invasive recordings. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 2009, 80(5): 533-538.
- 3. King-Stephen D, Miro E, Weber PB, et al. Lateratization of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with chronic ambulatory electroencephalography. Epilepsia, 2015, 56(6): 959-967.
- 4. Schmidt D, Baumgartner C. Löscher W Seizure recurrence after planned discontinuation of antiepileptic drugs in seizure-free patients after epilepsy surgery: a review of current clinical experience. Epilepsia, 2004, 45(2): 179-186.
- 5. Ryvlin P, Kahane P. The hidden causes of surgery-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy: extratemporal or temporal plus. Curr Opin Neural, 2005, 18(2): 125-127.
- 6. Salanova V, Markand O, Worth R. Temporal lobe epilepsy: Analysis of failures and the role of reoperation. Acta Neurol Scand, 2005, 111(2): 126-133.
- 7. Aghakhani Y, Liu XR, Jette N, et al. Epilepsy surgery in patients with bileteral temporal lobe seizures: A systimatic review. Epilepsia, 2014, 55(12): 1892-1901.
- 8. Hennessy MJ, Elwes RD, Binnie CD, et al. Failed surgery for epilepsy. A study of persistence and recurrence of seizure following temporal resection. Brain, 2000, 123(Pt12): 2445-2466.
- 9. Kahane P, Barba C, Rheimss et al. The concept of temporal ‘plus’ epilepsy. Rev Neurol(Paris), 2015, 171(3): 267-273.
- 10. Barba C, Rheims S, Minottic L, et al. Temporal plus epilepsy is a major determenant of temporal lobe surgery failure. Brain, 2016, 139(Pt2): 444-451.
- 11. Chkhenkeli SA, Towle VL, Lortkipanidze GS, et al. Mutually suppressive interrelations of symmetric epileptic foci in bitemporal epilepsy and their inhibitory stimulation. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 2007, 109(1): 7-22.
- 12. Rehalka P, Dolezalova I, Janousova E, et aI. Ictal and postictal semiology in patient with bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2014, 41(1): 40-44.
- 13. Okujava M, Schulz R, Hoppe M, et al. Bilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: Comprasion of scalp EEG and hippocampal MRI-T2 relaxometry. Acta Neunol Scand, 2004, 110(3): 148-153.
- 14. Didato G, Chiesa V, Villani F, et al. Bitemporal epilepsy: A specific anatomo-electro-clinical phenotype in the temporal lobe epilepsy spectrum. Seizure, 2015, 31: 112-119.
- 15. Di Vito L, Mauguière F, Catenoix H, et al. Epileptic networks in patients with bitemporal epilepsy: the role of SEEG for the selection of good surgical candidates. Epilepsy Research, 2016, 128: 73-82.
- 16. So N, Gloor P, Quesney LF, et al. Depth electrode investigations in patients with bitemporal epileptiform abnormalities. Ann Neurol, 1989, 25(5): 423-431.
- 17. Holmes MD, Miles AN, Dodrill CB, et al. Identifying potential surgical candidates in patient with evidence of bitemporal epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2003, 44(8): 1025-1029.
- 18. Sparedda F, Cendes F, Gotman J. Relation between EEG seizure morphology. Interhemispheric spread, and mesial temporal atrophy in bitemporal epilepsy. Epilepsia, 1997, 38(10): 1300-1314.
- 19. Janszky J, Raásonyi G, Clemems Z, et al. Clinical differences in patient with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis and unitemporal or bitemporal epileptiform discharges. Seizure, 2003, 12: 550-554.
- 20. Harroud A, Bauthillier A, Weil AG, et al. Temporal lobe epilepsy surgery failure: A review. Epilepsy Research and Treatment, 2012: 1-10.
- 21. Jehi LE, Silveina DC, Bimgaman W, et al. Temporal lobe epilepsy surgery failures, predictor of seizure recurrence, yield of reevaluation, and outcome following reoperation. J Neurosurg, 2010, 113: 1186-1194.
- 22. Ramos E, Benbadis S, Vale FI. Failure of temporal lobe resection of epilepsy in patients with mesial temporal sclerosis, results and treatment options: climical artile. J Neurosurg, 2009, 110: 1127-1134.
- 23. Miró J, Gurtubay-Antolin A, Ripolles P, et al. Interhemispheric microstructural connectivity in bitemporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. Cortex, 2015, 67: 106-121.
- 24. Kuchukhidze G, Helbox R, Unterberger I, el al. Bilateral mesial temporal polymicrogyria: a case report. J Neural Neursurg Psychiatry, 2008, 79: 483-484.
- 25. Gillinden L, Lehn A, Papacostas J, et al. Refractory epilepsy secondary to anti-GAD encephalitis treated with DBS post SEEG evaluation: a novel case report based on stimulation findings. Epileptic Disorder, 2018, 20(5): 451-456.
- 26. Dericioglu N, Oguz KK, Soylemezoglu F, et al. Resective surgery is possible in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy due to bilateral isolated hippocampal malformation. Clim Neural Neurosurg, 2009, 111(6): 554-557.
- 27. Eran A, Hodes A, Izbudak I. Bilateral temporal lobe disease: looking beyond herpes encephalitis. Insights Imaging, 2016, 7(2): 265-274.
- 28. Halász P. The medical temporal lobe epilepsy is a bilateral disease—novet aspect. J Epileptology, 2016, 24: 141-155.
- 29. Meenc ke HJ, Veith G. Hippocanpal sclerosis in epilepsy. In Luders H (editor). Epilepsy Surgery. New York. Raven Press. 1991, P705-715.
- 30. Sirver JI, Malamut BI, Liparace JD, et al. Outcome after temporal lobectomy in bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Ann Neurol, 1997, 42(6): 873-878.
- 31. Schulz R, Lüders HO, Hoppe M, et al. Lack of aura expevience correlates with bitemporal dysfunction in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Research, 2001, 43(3): 201-210.
- 32. Smart O, Ralston JD, Epstein CM, et al. Hippocampal seizure-onset laterality, can change over long timescales: A same-patient obsenvation over 500 days. Epilepsy & Behavior Case Reports, 2013, 1: 56-61.
- 33. Joo EY, Lee Ek, Tae WS, et al. Unitemporal vs Bitemporal hypometabolism in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Arch Neurol, 2004, 61(7): 1074-1078.
- 34. Loesch AM, Feddersen B, Tezer FI, et al. Seizure semiology identifies patient with bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Research, 2015, 109: 197-202.
- 35. Ives-Deliperi V, Butler JT, Jokeit H. Left on right? Lateralizing temporal lobe epilepsy by dynamic amygdala fMRI. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2017, 70(Pt A): 118-124.
- 36. Hirsch LJ, Spencer SS, Spencer DD, et al. Temporal lobectomy in patient with bitemporal epilepsy definied by depth electroencephalognaphy. Ann Neural, 1991, 30(3): 347-356.
- 37. Ergene E, Shih JJ, Blum DE, et al. Freguency of bitemporal independent interictal epileptiform discharges in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2000, 41(2): 213-218.
- 38. Zhou XX, Yu T, Zhang GJ, et al. The sungical outcome of patients with bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Research, 2018, 144: 7-14.
- 39. Spencer SS, Marks D, Katz A, et al. Anatomic correlation of interhippocampal seizure propagation time. Epilepsia, 1992, 33(5): 862-873.
- 40. Waseem H, Osborn KE, Mike MA, et al. Predictors of surgical outcome in medically resistant temporal lobe epilepsy with bilateral features on pre-operative evaluation. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 2015, 139: 199-205.
- 41. Zhang J, Liu QZ, Mei SS, et al. Identifying the affected hemisphere with a multimodal approach in MRI positive or negative, unilateral or bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2014, 10: 71-81.
- 42. Ding P, Zhang S, Zhang J, et al. Contralateral hippocampal stimulation for failed unilateral antetemporal lobetomy in patient with bilaterd temporal lobe epilepsy. Steretactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 2016, 94: 327-325.
- 43. Lacuey N, ZonJy B, Kahriman ES, et al. Funetional connectivity between right and left mesial temporal structure. Brain Struct Funct, 2014, 220(4): 2617-2623.
- 44. Enatsu R, Gongater-Martinez J, Bulacis J, et al. Connections of the limbic net work: A Corticocortical evoked potential study. Cortex, 2015, 62: 20-33.
- 45. Cukiert A, Cukiert CM, Argentoni M, et al. Outcome after cortico-amygdalo-hippocampectomy in patients with severe bilateral mesial temporal sclerosis submitted to invasive reording. Seizure, 2009, 18(7): 515-518.
- 46. Seidenterg M, Kelly KG, Parrish J, et al. Ipsilateral and contralateral MRI volumetric abnormalities in chronic unilateral tempord lobe epilepsy and their clinical correlates. Epilepsia, 2005, 46(3): 420-430.
- 47. Eberhardt KE, Stefan H, Buchfelder M, et al. The significance of bilatenal CSI change for the postoperative outcome in temporal lobe epilepsy. J Computer Assisted Tomography, 2000, 24(6): 919-926.
- 48. Liacu D, Idy-Peretti I, Ducreux D, et al. Diffusion tensor imaging tractography parameters of limbic system bundles in temporal lobe epilepsy patients. J Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2012, 36(3): 561-568.
- 49. Nilsson D, Go C. Rutra JT, et al Bilateral diffusion tensor abnormal of temporal lobe and cigulate gyrus white metter in children with temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Research, 2008, 81: 128-135.
- 50. Pittau F, Grova C, Moeller F, et al. Patteerns of altered functional connectivity in mesial fempord lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2012, 53: 1013-1023.
- 51. Avesani M, Giacopuzzi S, Bongiovanni LG, et al. EEG-fMRI evaluation of patients with mesial temporal lobe sclerosis. Neuroradiology J, 2014, 27(1): 45-54.
- 52. Jack Jr CR, Sharbrouch FW, Cascino GC, et al. Magnetic resonance image-based hippocampal volumetry: Correlation with outcome ofter temporal lobectomy. Ann Neurol, 1992, 31(4): 138-146.
- 53. King D, Spencer SS, McCarthy G, et al. Bilateral hippocampal atrophy in medial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 1995, 36(9): 905-910.
- 54. Araújo D, Santos AC, Velasco TR, et al. Volumetric evidence of bilateral change in unilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia, 2006, 47(3): 1354-1359.
- 55. Fingersh A, Avedissian C, Shamim S, et al. Bilateral hippocampal atrophy in temporal lobe epilepsy: Effect of depressive symptoms and febrile seizures. Epilepsia, 2011, 51(4): 689-697.
- 56. Yang K, Su J, Lang Y, et al. Contradictory imaging and EEG results in resection surgery of bitemporal lobe epilepsy. A case report. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, 2014, 7(3): 731-733.
- 57. Keller SS, Roberts N. Voxel-based morphometry of temporal lobe epilepsy: An introduction and review of the literature. Epilepsia, 2008, 49(5): 741-757.
- 58. Labate A, Cerasa ss A, Aguglia U, et al. Voxel-based merphometry of sporadic epileptic patients with mesiotemporal sclerosis. Epilepsia, 2010, 51(4): 506-510.
- 59. Chassoux F, Semah F, Bauilleret V, et al. Metabolic change and electro-clinical patterns in mesio-temporal lobe epilepsy: A correlation study. Brain, 2004, 127(11): 164-174.
- 60. Kim MA, Heo K, Choo MK, et al. Relationhip between bilateral temporal hypometabolism and EEG finding for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: Analysis of 18F-FOG. PET using SPM. Seizure, 2005, 15(4): 56-63.
- 61. Guedj E, Bonini F, Gavaret M, et al. 18-FDG-PET in different subtypes of temporal lobe eplilepsy: SEEG validation and predictive value. Epilepsia, 2015, 56(3): 414-421.
- 62. Holmes MD, Dodrill CB, OjemannGA, et al. Outcome following surgery in patients with bitemporal interictal epileptiform pattern. Neurology, 1997, 48(1): 1037-1040.
- 63. Oliveier A, Gloor P, lveo J. Inveatigation et traitment chirurgical de I' épilepsie bitemporale. Union Med Can, 1980, 109(2): 247-250.
- 64. So N, Olivier A, Andermann F, et al. Results of surgical treatment in patient with bitemporal epiletiform abnormalities. Ann Neurol, 1989, 25: 432-439.
- 65. Vogt VL, Nitt JA, Malter MP, et al. Neuropsychological outcome after epilepsy Surgery in patient with bilateral ammon’s horn sclerosis. Clin Neurosurg, 2014, 121: 1247-1256.
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