Evidence-based Chinese medicine is a relatively new discipline which applies the concepts and methods of evidence-based medicine (EBM) to the clinical research and practice of Chinese medicine. It is not only a branch of EBM but also a natural product of the development of Chinese medicine. This paper introduces the theoretical concepts of evidence-based Chinese medicine and reviews the process of its development. It then elucidates the main characteristics of evidence-based Chinese medicine, emphasizes its holistic approach, prescription-syndrome relationship, and its human-centered approach. Research contents and status quo are also summarized to point out the challenges of the production and application of evidence. Finally, we innovatively indicate further research directions on combining individual-based research with population-based research and developing narrative EBM.
Citation: ZHANG Xiaoyu, CHEN Shiqi, LI Chengyu, TIAN Guihua, ZHAO Chen, QIU Ruijin, HU Jiayuan, ZHENG Rui, SUN Yang, LI Min, CHEN Yaolong, SUN Xin, LI Bo, ZHANG Honglai, BIAN Zhaoxiang, SHANG Hongcai. Evidence-based Chinese medicine: theory, research, and practice. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2018, 18(1): 86-91. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.201707007 Copy
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