It is a challenge for clinicians and diagnostic systematic reviewers to determine the best test in clinical diagnosis and screening. Meanwhile, it also becomes the new chance and challenge for diagnostic test meta-analysis. Network meta-analysis has been commonly used in intervention systematic reviews, which can compare the effect size of all available interventions and to choose the best intervention. Network meta-analysis of diagnostic test can be defined as comparing all available diagnostic technologies in the same conditions based on the common reference tests. In order to provide the guide for diagnostic systematic reviewers, we aims to introduce four methods of conducting diagnostic test accuracy network meta-analysis, and to explore two ranking methods of network meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy.
Citation: WU Jingling, GE Long, ZHANG Junhua, ZHOU Jianguo, GAO Ya, MA Xueni, LI Jipin, LIN Xiaoyan, TIAN Jinhui. Comparation of accuracy of different diagnostic tests: an introduction of network meta-analysis methods. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2017, 17(8): 987-992. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.201706041 Copy
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