BAIXi 1,2,3 # , YANGJing-jing 1,2,3 # , XUJia-ke 1,2,4 # , LIUHong-yan 1,2 , CHENGFang 1,2 , MAZhan-jun 1,2,3 , MABin 1,2
  • 1. Evidence-Based Medicine Center of Lanzhou University, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;
  • 2. Key Laboratory of Evidence Based Medicine and Knowledge Translation of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730000, China;
  • 3. The Second Clinical Medical College of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;
  • 4. The First Clinical Medical College of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China;
MABin, Email:
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Objective To assess the endorsement of the ARRIVE guideline and the Gold Standard Publication Checklist (GSPC) by Chinese journals in animal experiments field and its incorporation into their editorial processes. Methods Chinese journals indexed by SCI, MEDLINE, CSCD or CSTPCD were included. The latest'instruction for authors' (IFA) of each included journals was downloaded and any text mentioning the ARRIVE guideline and GSPC was extracted. Subsequently, a self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the editor of each included journals. The investigation contents mainly included the basic information of the respondents, the awareness situation on the ARRIVE guideline, GSPC and their incorporation into editorial and peer review processes. Results 240 journals in animal experiments field from China were examined. A total of 240 questionnaires were issued, of which, 198 questionnaires were effective (response rate 82.5%). The results showed that all IFAs didn't mention the ARRIVE guideline or GSPC and the awareness rate on the ARRIVE guideline and GSPC in editors of Chinese journals was only 13.1%. Only 10.1% of the editors reported that they required authors to comply with the ARRIVE guideline and GSPC. And editors reported that they incorporated the two guidelines into their peer review (7.1%) and editorial processes (8.1%). Conclusion At present, all Chinese journals'IFAs didn't mention the ARRIVE guideline or GSPC. The majority of editors surveyed are not familiar with the content of the ARRIVE guideline and GSPC. And it needs to take purposeful measures to promote and popularize them in order to improve the quality of animal experiment reports.

Citation: BAIXi, YANGJing-jing, XUJia-ke, LIUHong-yan, CHENGFang, MAZhan-jun, MABin. Endorsement of the ARRIVE Guideline and GSPC Checklist by Chinese Journals: A Survey of Journal Editors and Review of Journals'Instructions for Authors. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2016, 16(9): 1020-1025. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.20160157 Copy

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