The shortage of health workforce in rural and remote areas has been commonly concerned by every country around the word. It is one of world health issues, challenging the aspirations of achieving equity. In this regard, WHO developed the Global Policy Recommendations to improve the accessibility of the health workforce in rural and remote areas through improved retention. This article focuses on the key steps of the policy guideline developed from evidence-based medicine methodology and from angle of guideline development, mainly about background, issues, evidence retrieval and selection, quality grading of evidence, and the forming of recommendation plan, in order to further explore how to correctly understand, obtain, evaluate and apply currently available research evidence, and how to use the GRADE system to make scientific and feasible recommendations in the decision-making process, emphasizing the importance of evidence and the GRADE system in the evidence-based health decision-making.
Citation: LI Xiuxia,CHEN Yaolong,WANG Xiaoqin,WU Qiongfang,WANG Qi,WEI Dang,YAO Liang,ZHANG Zongjiu,YANG Kehu. WHO 2010 Global Policy Recommendations Interpretation: Increasing Access to Health Workers in Remote and Rural Areas through Improved Retention. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2013, 13(9): 1037-1042. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.20130179 Copy
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