Citation: 张伶俐,李幼平,胡蝶,曾力楠,梁毅,刘砚韬,代表INDUD. Pediatric Drug Shortage in China: Current Status and Reflection. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2012, 12(10): 1159-1164. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.20120181 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | World Health Organization. World Health Statistics 2010 Part Ⅱ. Global Health Indicators. 2010. Available from: |
2. | World Health Organization. The global burden of disease 2004 update. 2004. Available from: |
3. | Crowley E, Williams R, Cousins D. Medication errors in children: a descriptive summary of medication error reports submitted to the United States Pharmacopeia. Curr Ther Res, 2001, 62(9): 627-640. |
4. | 张伶俐, 李幼平, 梁毅. 全球住院儿童超说明书用药现状的系统评价. 中国循证医学杂志, 2012, 12(2): 176-178. |
5. | 张伶俐, 李幼平, 梁毅. 全球门诊儿童超说明书用药现状的系统评价. 中国循证医学杂志, 2012, 12(3): 305-313. |
6. | Pandolfini C, Bonati M. A literature review on off-label drug use in children. Eur J Pediatr, 2005, 164(9): 552-558. |
7. | 曾力楠, 张伶俐. 儿童药物临床试验的发展历史及研究现状. 儿童药学杂志, 2010, 16(2): 4-7. |
8. | WHO. 药物: 儿童药物. 2010年6月, 实况报道第341号 [2012-02-04]. Available from: |
9. | 张伶俐, 李幼平, 黄亮. 四川大学华西第二医院儿科门诊处方超药品说明书用药情况调查. 中国循证医学杂志, 2011, 11(10): 1120-1124. |
10. | 张兰华, 魏萍. 我国儿科专用药注册现状分析及其对策. 解放军药学学报, 2011, 27(2): 178-180. |
11. | 杨悦, 粟高超. WHO儿童基本药物示范目录与我国基本药物目录中儿童用药的比较研究. 中国药房, 2011, 22(32): 2994-2998. |
12. | 张伶俐, 张川, 梁毅, 等. 我国2009版基本药物目录(基层)与WHO 2010版儿童基本药物示范目录比较分析. 中国循证医学杂志, 2010, 10(9): 1027-1036. |
13. | 余明莲, 杨悦. 我国儿童用药可获得性的调查分析. 解放军药学学报, 2011, 27(4): 368-340. |
14. | 刘菁, 张艳菊. 北京儿童医院口服中成药用法用量分析. 北京中医药, 2011, 30(6): 465-466. |
15. | 谷存芬. 影响儿童用药的有关因素分析. 临床和实验医学杂志, 2007, 6(11): 158-159. |
16. | 王丽. 高度关注儿童用药的安全性. 儿童药学杂志, 2009, 15(5): 1-4. |
17. | WHO/FIP Training Workshop. 儿童处方的制剂研发. Available from: ual/006-Pharmacovigilance-Safet_CHN.pdf. |
18. | WHO. Development of paediatric medicines: points to consider in pharmaceutical development. Available from: |
19. | Food and Drug Administration. Regulations requiring manufacturers to assess the safety and effectiveness of new drugs and biological products in pediatric patients. Final Rule:21 CFR Parts 201,312,314,601.Docket No.97N-0165. |
20. | Menson EN, Walker AS, Gibb DM. Clinical trials in children. Lancet, 2004, 364(18/25): 2176-2177. |
21. | 国家发展改革委. 国家发展改革委关于印发《药品差比价规则》的通知. 发改价格[2011]2452号. |
22. | 四川省非基层医疗机构药品采购、配送、监督平台. Available from: |
23. | 俞观文. 对药品生产成本的思考. 中国制药信息, 2006, 22(9): 1-3. |
24. | FDA. Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997.Available from: |
25. | Daniel K, Benjamin JrP, Brian SM, et al. Safety and Transparency of Pediatric Drug Trials. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2009, 163(12): 1080-1086. |
26. | Boot I, Sukhai RN, Klein RH, et al. Stimulation programs for pediatric drug research – do children really benefit? Eur J Pediatr, 2007, 166(18): 849-855. |
27. | No anthors listed. Regulations requiring manufactures to assess the safety and effectiveness of new drugs and biological products in pediatric patients. Fed Regist, 1998, 63(231): 66631-66672. |
28. | FDA. Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act. Available from: |
29. | FDA. Pediatric Research Equity Act. Available from: |
30. | Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products. Note for guidance on clinical investigation of medicinal products in children. London: European Medicines Agency, 1997. |
31. | Editorial. A European Clinical Trials Registry for Children. Paediatric and Perinatal Drug Therapy, 2003, 5(3): 98-100. |
32. | Breitkreutz J. European Perspectives on Pediatric Formulations. Clinical Therapeutics, 2008, 30(11): 2146-2154. |
33. | European Commission. Paediatric Investigation Plan . Available from: |
34. | European Medicines Agency. Available from: |
35. | Choonara I. Regulation of drugs for children in Europe. BMJ, 2007, 335(7632): 1221-1222. |
36. | NIH. Available from: trials. |
37. | FDA. Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act. Available from: |
- 1. World Health Organization. World Health Statistics 2010 Part Ⅱ. Global Health Indicators. 2010. Available from:
- 2. World Health Organization. The global burden of disease 2004 update. 2004. Available from:
- 3. Crowley E, Williams R, Cousins D. Medication errors in children: a descriptive summary of medication error reports submitted to the United States Pharmacopeia. Curr Ther Res, 2001, 62(9): 627-640.
- 4. 张伶俐, 李幼平, 梁毅. 全球住院儿童超说明书用药现状的系统评价. 中国循证医学杂志, 2012, 12(2): 176-178.
- 5. 张伶俐, 李幼平, 梁毅. 全球门诊儿童超说明书用药现状的系统评价. 中国循证医学杂志, 2012, 12(3): 305-313.
- 6. Pandolfini C, Bonati M. A literature review on off-label drug use in children. Eur J Pediatr, 2005, 164(9): 552-558.
- 7. 曾力楠, 张伶俐. 儿童药物临床试验的发展历史及研究现状. 儿童药学杂志, 2010, 16(2): 4-7.
- 8. WHO. 药物: 儿童药物. 2010年6月, 实况报道第341号 [2012-02-04]. Available from:
- 9. 张伶俐, 李幼平, 黄亮. 四川大学华西第二医院儿科门诊处方超药品说明书用药情况调查. 中国循证医学杂志, 2011, 11(10): 1120-1124.
- 10. 张兰华, 魏萍. 我国儿科专用药注册现状分析及其对策. 解放军药学学报, 2011, 27(2): 178-180.
- 11. 杨悦, 粟高超. WHO儿童基本药物示范目录与我国基本药物目录中儿童用药的比较研究. 中国药房, 2011, 22(32): 2994-2998.
- 12. 张伶俐, 张川, 梁毅, 等. 我国2009版基本药物目录(基层)与WHO 2010版儿童基本药物示范目录比较分析. 中国循证医学杂志, 2010, 10(9): 1027-1036.
- 13. 余明莲, 杨悦. 我国儿童用药可获得性的调查分析. 解放军药学学报, 2011, 27(4): 368-340.
- 14. 刘菁, 张艳菊. 北京儿童医院口服中成药用法用量分析. 北京中医药, 2011, 30(6): 465-466.
- 15. 谷存芬. 影响儿童用药的有关因素分析. 临床和实验医学杂志, 2007, 6(11): 158-159.
- 16. 王丽. 高度关注儿童用药的安全性. 儿童药学杂志, 2009, 15(5): 1-4.
- 17. WHO/FIP Training Workshop. 儿童处方的制剂研发. Available from: ual/006-Pharmacovigilance-Safet_CHN.pdf.
- 18. WHO. Development of paediatric medicines: points to consider in pharmaceutical development. Available from:
- 19. Food and Drug Administration. Regulations requiring manufacturers to assess the safety and effectiveness of new drugs and biological products in pediatric patients. Final Rule:21 CFR Parts 201,312,314,601.Docket No.97N-0165.
- 20. Menson EN, Walker AS, Gibb DM. Clinical trials in children. Lancet, 2004, 364(18/25): 2176-2177.
- 21. 国家发展改革委. 国家发展改革委关于印发《药品差比价规则》的通知. 发改价格[2011]2452号.
- 22. 四川省非基层医疗机构药品采购、配送、监督平台. Available from:
- 23. 俞观文. 对药品生产成本的思考. 中国制药信息, 2006, 22(9): 1-3.
- 24. FDA. Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997.Available from:
- 25. Daniel K, Benjamin JrP, Brian SM, et al. Safety and Transparency of Pediatric Drug Trials. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2009, 163(12): 1080-1086.
- 26. Boot I, Sukhai RN, Klein RH, et al. Stimulation programs for pediatric drug research – do children really benefit? Eur J Pediatr, 2007, 166(18): 849-855.
- 27. No anthors listed. Regulations requiring manufactures to assess the safety and effectiveness of new drugs and biological products in pediatric patients. Fed Regist, 1998, 63(231): 66631-66672.
- 28. FDA. Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act. Available from:
- 29. FDA. Pediatric Research Equity Act. Available from:
- 30. Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products. Note for guidance on clinical investigation of medicinal products in children. London: European Medicines Agency, 1997.
- 31. Editorial. A European Clinical Trials Registry for Children. Paediatric and Perinatal Drug Therapy, 2003, 5(3): 98-100.
- 32. Breitkreutz J. European Perspectives on Pediatric Formulations. Clinical Therapeutics, 2008, 30(11): 2146-2154.
- 33. European Commission. Paediatric Investigation Plan . Available from:
- 34. European Medicines Agency. Available from:
- 35. Choonara I. Regulation of drugs for children in Europe. BMJ, 2007, 335(7632): 1221-1222.
- 36. NIH. Available from: trials.
- 37. FDA. Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act. Available from: