In the rescue that follows a major natural disaster, blood donation is a unique, necessary method to assist the injured. To achieve effective assurance of the blood supply for medical rescue in an orderly fashion, the current procedure must be adjusted by using scientific prediction, analysis, and adaptation. After the process of ensuring the blood supply for medical rescue during the Wenchuan Earthquake, the Ministry of Health of China, with great efforts, continues to investigate and reflect upon the application of the above principals during actual practice. Objectively, these efforts will lead to better results and establish a standard supplying blood during a disaster rescue.
Citation: YI Mei. Investigation into the Practice of Ensuring a Steady Blood Supply for Medical Rescue during the Wenchuan Earthquake△. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2009, 09(11): 1143-1146. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.20090206 Copy
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