- 1. Division of Evidence-Based Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China; 2. School of Public Administration, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China;3. West China School of Medicine, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China;4. College of light industry, textile and food engineering, Chengdu 610064, China;
This is the fourth paper in the evidence-based medicine glossary series. Bibliometric method was used to analyse the development of evidence-based medicine in medicine and non-medicine system. Evidence-based medicine, Evidence-based nursing, Evidence-based practice, Evidence-based dentistry, Evidence-based emergency medicine have been defined in this paper.
Citation: CHEN Yaolong,SHEN Jiantong,LI Ling,TAN Peiyong,LI Xiao,HUANG Cheng,CHEN Peixian,ZHANG Fei,WANG Mengshu,YEWen,CAI Yujia,DU Liang,LI Youping. An Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine Glossary IV. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2009, 09(4): 376-383. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.20090071 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | 鲍遇海. 循证医学为什么遭到抵触. 中国脑血管病杂志, 2004, 1 (4): 148-151. |
2. | Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, et al. Evidence based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. Churchill Livingstone; New York. 2000: 2. |
3. | Eddy DM. Practice Policies: Where Do They Come From? JAMA, 1990, 263: 1265-1275. |
4. | Guyatt GH. Evidence-based medicine. ACP Journal Club, 1991, 114: A-16. |
5. | Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group. Evidence-based medicine: a new approach to the teaching of medicine. JAMA, 1992, 268: 2420-2425. |
6. | Sackett DL, Rosenberg WM, Gray JA, et al. "Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn’t". BMJ, 1996, 31 (7023): 71–72. |
7. | 王吉耀. 循证医学的临床实践. 临床, 1996, 3(1): 63-65. |
8. | 2009.02.20. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=mesh&term=Evidence-Based+Medicine. |
9. | Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, et al. Evidence based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. Churchill Livingstone; New York. 2000: 1. |
10. | Simpson, B. Evidence-based nursing practice: the state of the art. Can Nurse, 1996, 92(10): 22-25. |
11. | Lavin MA, Meyer G, Krieger M, et al. Essential differences between evidence-based nursing and evidence-based medicine. Int J Nurs Terminol Classif, 2002, 13(3): 101-106. |
12. | 2009.02.20. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=mesh&term=Evidence-Based+nursing. |
13. | Flemming K. Asking answerable questions. Evidence-Based Nursing, 1998, 1(2): 36-37. |
14. | McKibbon KA, Marks S. Searching for the best evidence. Part 1: where to look. Evidence-Based Nursing, 1998, 1(3): 68-70. |
15. | McKibbon KA, Marks S. Searching for the best evidence. Part 2: searching CINAHL and Medline. Evidence-Based Nursing, 1998, 1(4): 105-107. |
16. | Dicenso A, Cullum N, Ciliska D. Implementing evidence-based nursing: some misconceptions. Evidence-Based Nursing, 1998, 1(2): 38-40. |
17. | McCormick KA, Fleming B. Clinical practice guidelines. The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research fosters the development of evidence-based guidelines. Health Prog, 1992, 73(10): 30-34. |
18. | 2009.02.20. http://www.guideline.gov/. |
19. | 2009.02.20. http://www.sign.ac.uk/. |
20. | 2009.02.20. http://www.nice.org.uk/. |
21. | Clancy CM, Slutsky JR, Patton LT. Evidence-based Health Care 2004: AHRQ Moves Research to Translation and Implementation. Health Serv Res, 2004, 39(5): xv-xxiii. |
22. | Newman L. AHRQ’s evidence-based practice centres prove viable. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Lancet, 2000, 356(9246): 1990. |
23. | Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group. Evidence-based health care: a new approach to teaching the practice of health care. J Dent Educ, 1994, 58(8): 648-653. |
24. | Muir Gray JA. Evidence-based Health Care. How to make health policy and management decisions. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1997. |
25. | First Annual Nordic Workshop on how to critically appraise and use evidence in decisions about healthcare, National Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway, 1996. |
26. | 2009.02.20. Evidence-Based Medicine Informatics Project. http://www.shef.ac.uk/scharr/ir/def.html. |
27. | Hicks N. Evidence based healthcare. Bandolier, 1997, 4 (39): 8. |
28. | Marwick C . Proponents Gather to Discuss Practicing Evidence-Based Medicine. JAMA, 1997, 278 (7): 531-532. |
29. | 2009.02.20. Centre for Evidence Based Medicine Glossary. http://cebm.jr2.ox.ac.uk/docs/glossary.html. |
30. | Jenicek M. Epidemiology, evidenced-based medicine, and evidencebased public health. J Epidemiol, 1997, 7(4): 187–97. |
31. | Brownson RC, Gurney JG, Land GH. Evidence-based decision making in public health. J Public Health Manag Pract, 1999, 5(5): 86–97. |
32. | Brownson RC, Baker EA, Leet TL, et al. Evidence-based public health. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. |
33. | Kohatsu ND, Robinson JG, Torner JC. Evidence-Based Public Health: An Evolving Concept. Am J Prev Med, 2004, 27(5): 417–421. |
34. | Fleming KA. Evidence-based pathology. Evidence Based Med . 1997, 2(5): 132–133. |
35. | Jenkins D, Bentley E, Fleming KA. Evidence-based cellular pathology: a systematic framework for pathological diagnosis and clinical decisions. Current Diagnostic Pathology, 2001, 7(4): 272-280. |
36. | Fleming KA. Evidence-based cellular pathology. Lancet, 2002, 359 (9312): 1149–1150. |
37. | Etminan M, Wright JM, Carleton BC. Evidence-based pharmacotherapy: review of basic concepts and applications in clinical practice. Ann Pharmacother, 1998, 32(11): 1193-1200. |
38. | Noviasky JA. Evidence-based pharmacy versus opinion on generic product selection of warfarin. Am J Health Syst Pharm, 1999, 56(21): 2246-2247. |
39. | 曹卉娟, 刘建平. 循证药学的基本概念及其应用. 临床药物治疗杂 志, 2008, 6(4): 55-59. |
40. | 2009.02.20. http://www.cmt.com.cn/article/070920/a070920b1501. htm. |
41. | Smith AFM. Mad cows and ecstasy: chance and choice in an evidence-based society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Association, 1996, 159(3): 367-383. |
42. | Azuonye IO. Evidence based policymaking. Academic experts don’t have a monopoly on wisdom. BMJ, 1995, 310(6987): 1141. |
43. | Ham C, Hunter DJ, Robinson R. Evidence based policymaking. BMJ, 1995, 310(6972): 71-72. |
44. | Tremblay M. Evidence based policymaking. Policymakers may need to make a break with the past. BMJ, 1995, 310(6987): 1141. |
45. | Barker JM . A methodology for evidence-based health policymaking: the Welsh Protocol Enhancement Project. Top Health Inf Manage, 1996, 17(2): 1-17. |
46. | Davies P. Evidence-Based Government: How Do We Make It Happen? Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres Annual Meeting, Montreal, 15 October.2007. |
47. | Cabinet Office. Modernising Government, White Paper, London, 1999a. |
48. | Cabinet Office. Professional Policy Making for the Twenty-First Century, Cabinet Office Strategic Policy Making Team, London, 1999b. |
49. | Cabinet Office. Better Policy Making, Centre for Management and Policy Studies, London, 2001a. |
50. | Cabinet Office. Regulatory Impact Appraisal, Regulatory Impact Unit, London, 2001b. |
51. | Davies, P. Is evidence-based government possible? The 4th Annual Campbell Collaboration Colloquium Washington D.C. 19 February 2004. |
52. | Smith R, Rennie D. And now, evidence based editing. BMJ, 1995, 311(7009): 826. |
53. | Tite, L, Schroter S. Evidence based publishing. BMJ, 2006, 333(7564): 366. |
54. | Eldredge JD. Evidence-based librarianship: an overview. Bull Med Libr Assoc, 2000, 88(4): 289-302. |
55. | 王先林, 循证医学与循证图书馆事业. 中华医学图书情报杂志 2002, 11(1) : 47-52. |
56. | 白朝晖,李小华,白萍. 循证图书馆事业. 中华医学图书情报杂志, 2005, 14(1): 14~17. |
57. | 倪虹. 循证图书馆事业初探. 图书馆学研究, 2006, 2: 6-8. |
58. | Crumley E, Koufogiannakis D. Developing evidence- based librarianship in Canada: six aspects for consideration. Hypothesis 2001, 15(3): 9–10. |
59. | Burge T. Science and the bible: evidence-based Christian belief. Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press, 2005. |
60. | Achara S, Adeyemi B, Dosekun E, et al. Evidence based road safety: the Driving Standards Agency’s schools programme. Lancet, 2001, 358(9277): 230-232. |
61. | 陈耀龙, 沈建通, 李琳, 等. 循证医学术语介绍III. 中国循证医学杂志, 2009, 9(3): 260-264. |
62. | 陈耀龙, 蔡羽嘉, 王梦书, 等. 循证医学术语介绍II. 中国循证医学杂志, 2009, 9(2): 143-146. |
- 1. 鲍遇海. 循证医学为什么遭到抵触. 中国脑血管病杂志, 2004, 1 (4): 148-151.
- 2. Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, et al. Evidence based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. Churchill Livingstone; New York. 2000: 2.
- 3. Eddy DM. Practice Policies: Where Do They Come From? JAMA, 1990, 263: 1265-1275.
- 4. Guyatt GH. Evidence-based medicine. ACP Journal Club, 1991, 114: A-16.
- 5. Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group. Evidence-based medicine: a new approach to the teaching of medicine. JAMA, 1992, 268: 2420-2425.
- 6. Sackett DL, Rosenberg WM, Gray JA, et al. "Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn’t". BMJ, 1996, 31 (7023): 71–72.
- 7. 王吉耀. 循证医学的临床实践. 临床, 1996, 3(1): 63-65.
- 8. 2009.02.20. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=mesh&term=Evidence-Based+Medicine.
- 9. Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, et al. Evidence based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. Churchill Livingstone; New York. 2000: 1.
- 10. Simpson, B. Evidence-based nursing practice: the state of the art. Can Nurse, 1996, 92(10): 22-25.
- 11. Lavin MA, Meyer G, Krieger M, et al. Essential differences between evidence-based nursing and evidence-based medicine. Int J Nurs Terminol Classif, 2002, 13(3): 101-106.
- 12. 2009.02.20. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=mesh&term=Evidence-Based+nursing.
- 13. Flemming K. Asking answerable questions. Evidence-Based Nursing, 1998, 1(2): 36-37.
- 14. McKibbon KA, Marks S. Searching for the best evidence. Part 1: where to look. Evidence-Based Nursing, 1998, 1(3): 68-70.
- 15. McKibbon KA, Marks S. Searching for the best evidence. Part 2: searching CINAHL and Medline. Evidence-Based Nursing, 1998, 1(4): 105-107.
- 16. Dicenso A, Cullum N, Ciliska D. Implementing evidence-based nursing: some misconceptions. Evidence-Based Nursing, 1998, 1(2): 38-40.
- 17. McCormick KA, Fleming B. Clinical practice guidelines. The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research fosters the development of evidence-based guidelines. Health Prog, 1992, 73(10): 30-34.
- 18. 2009.02.20. http://www.guideline.gov/.
- 19. 2009.02.20. http://www.sign.ac.uk/.
- 20. 2009.02.20. http://www.nice.org.uk/.
- 21. Clancy CM, Slutsky JR, Patton LT. Evidence-based Health Care 2004: AHRQ Moves Research to Translation and Implementation. Health Serv Res, 2004, 39(5): xv-xxiii.
- 22. Newman L. AHRQ’s evidence-based practice centres prove viable. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Lancet, 2000, 356(9246): 1990.
- 23. Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group. Evidence-based health care: a new approach to teaching the practice of health care. J Dent Educ, 1994, 58(8): 648-653.
- 24. Muir Gray JA. Evidence-based Health Care. How to make health policy and management decisions. London: Churchill Livingstone, 1997.
- 25. First Annual Nordic Workshop on how to critically appraise and use evidence in decisions about healthcare, National Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway, 1996.
- 26. 2009.02.20. Evidence-Based Medicine Informatics Project. http://www.shef.ac.uk/scharr/ir/def.html.
- 27. Hicks N. Evidence based healthcare. Bandolier, 1997, 4 (39): 8.
- 28. Marwick C . Proponents Gather to Discuss Practicing Evidence-Based Medicine. JAMA, 1997, 278 (7): 531-532.
- 29. 2009.02.20. Centre for Evidence Based Medicine Glossary. http://cebm.jr2.ox.ac.uk/docs/glossary.html.
- 30. Jenicek M. Epidemiology, evidenced-based medicine, and evidencebased public health. J Epidemiol, 1997, 7(4): 187–97.
- 31. Brownson RC, Gurney JG, Land GH. Evidence-based decision making in public health. J Public Health Manag Pract, 1999, 5(5): 86–97.
- 32. Brownson RC, Baker EA, Leet TL, et al. Evidence-based public health. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.
- 33. Kohatsu ND, Robinson JG, Torner JC. Evidence-Based Public Health: An Evolving Concept. Am J Prev Med, 2004, 27(5): 417–421.
- 34. Fleming KA. Evidence-based pathology. Evidence Based Med . 1997, 2(5): 132–133.
- 35. Jenkins D, Bentley E, Fleming KA. Evidence-based cellular pathology: a systematic framework for pathological diagnosis and clinical decisions. Current Diagnostic Pathology, 2001, 7(4): 272-280.
- 36. Fleming KA. Evidence-based cellular pathology. Lancet, 2002, 359 (9312): 1149–1150.
- 37. Etminan M, Wright JM, Carleton BC. Evidence-based pharmacotherapy: review of basic concepts and applications in clinical practice. Ann Pharmacother, 1998, 32(11): 1193-1200.
- 38. Noviasky JA. Evidence-based pharmacy versus opinion on generic product selection of warfarin. Am J Health Syst Pharm, 1999, 56(21): 2246-2247.
- 39. 曹卉娟, 刘建平. 循证药学的基本概念及其应用. 临床药物治疗杂 志, 2008, 6(4): 55-59.
- 40. 2009.02.20. http://www.cmt.com.cn/article/070920/a070920b1501. htm.
- 41. Smith AFM. Mad cows and ecstasy: chance and choice in an evidence-based society. Journal of the Royal Statistical Association, 1996, 159(3): 367-383.
- 42. Azuonye IO. Evidence based policymaking. Academic experts don’t have a monopoly on wisdom. BMJ, 1995, 310(6987): 1141.
- 43. Ham C, Hunter DJ, Robinson R. Evidence based policymaking. BMJ, 1995, 310(6972): 71-72.
- 44. Tremblay M. Evidence based policymaking. Policymakers may need to make a break with the past. BMJ, 1995, 310(6987): 1141.
- 45. Barker JM . A methodology for evidence-based health policymaking: the Welsh Protocol Enhancement Project. Top Health Inf Manage, 1996, 17(2): 1-17.
- 46. Davies P. Evidence-Based Government: How Do We Make It Happen? Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres Annual Meeting, Montreal, 15 October.2007.
- 47. Cabinet Office. Modernising Government, White Paper, London, 1999a.
- 48. Cabinet Office. Professional Policy Making for the Twenty-First Century, Cabinet Office Strategic Policy Making Team, London, 1999b.
- 49. Cabinet Office. Better Policy Making, Centre for Management and Policy Studies, London, 2001a.
- 50. Cabinet Office. Regulatory Impact Appraisal, Regulatory Impact Unit, London, 2001b.
- 51. Davies, P. Is evidence-based government possible? The 4th Annual Campbell Collaboration Colloquium Washington D.C. 19 February 2004.
- 52. Smith R, Rennie D. And now, evidence based editing. BMJ, 1995, 311(7009): 826.
- 53. Tite, L, Schroter S. Evidence based publishing. BMJ, 2006, 333(7564): 366.
- 54. Eldredge JD. Evidence-based librarianship: an overview. Bull Med Libr Assoc, 2000, 88(4): 289-302.
- 55. 王先林, 循证医学与循证图书馆事业. 中华医学图书情报杂志 2002, 11(1) : 47-52.
- 56. 白朝晖,李小华,白萍. 循证图书馆事业. 中华医学图书情报杂志, 2005, 14(1): 14~17.
- 57. 倪虹. 循证图书馆事业初探. 图书馆学研究, 2006, 2: 6-8.
- 58. Crumley E, Koufogiannakis D. Developing evidence- based librarianship in Canada: six aspects for consideration. Hypothesis 2001, 15(3): 9–10.
- 59. Burge T. Science and the bible: evidence-based Christian belief. Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press, 2005.
- 60. Achara S, Adeyemi B, Dosekun E, et al. Evidence based road safety: the Driving Standards Agency’s schools programme. Lancet, 2001, 358(9277): 230-232.
- 61. 陈耀龙, 沈建通, 李琳, 等. 循证医学术语介绍III. 中国循证医学杂志, 2009, 9(3): 260-264.
- 62. 陈耀龙, 蔡羽嘉, 王梦书, 等. 循证医学术语介绍II. 中国循证医学杂志, 2009, 9(2): 143-146.
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