Objective To provide a disaster triage method by analyzing the data of the hospital transferring casualties after Wenchuan earthquake.
Method The data of the patients’ admission and hospital transferring in the West China Hospital were collected after the earthquake in two weeks. Moreover, the reason and the method of the hospital transferring were analyzed.
Result In the first two weeks since the earthquake struck Wenchuan, the number of the available bed for earthquake patients in West China Hospital was 124 per day, but in the 2 227 earthquake patients treated, 1 181 patients were admitted. Comparing with the number of the total hospitalized, the percentage is 53.03%. The hospital was overloaded. After a reasonable hospital transference, the daily number of inpatients was stable and all the patients were treated sufficiently.
Conclusion After a natural disaster, an effective administration transferring patients to suitable medical recourse should be performed, so that more right treatments should be given to more right patients in the right time and right place.
Citation: TANG Shiyuan,LIU Qiwang,LI Dajiang,ZHONG Yan,ZHANG Weidong,ZENG Zhi,WANG Yiping,CAO Yu. Administration and Significance of Hospital Transferring Patients after Earthquake Disaster. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2008, 08(9): 726-728. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.20080164 Copy
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