During the medical rescue of Wenchuan earthquake, as a hospital which mainly admitted the severely wounded, West China Hospital immediately shifted to the double-track emergent system from the previous single-track system and dispatched sufficient manpower and materials. The beds in the Department of Orthopaedics were increased to 680. In addition, in order to ensure effective treatment, the hospital dealt with the wounded based on their specific conditions in different stages and optimized the flow of admission of the wounded. Besides, we opened the referral channel for the wounded. Up to June 2nd, 2008, a total of 2 618 wounded people have been treated in to the hospital, and 648 with minor injuries after proper treatment have been referred to the nearby basic-level hospitals.
Citation: LI Dajiang,ZHANG Weidong,LIU Qiwang. Admission and Referral System for the Wounded during Medical Rescue afterWenchuan Earthquake. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2008, 08(6): 383-385. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.20080084 Copy
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