Since December 2019, a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV, SARS-CoV-2) pneumonia (COVID-19) outbreak has occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, and the epidemic situation has continued to spread. Such cases have also been found in other parts of the country. The spread of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic has brought great challenges to the clinical practice of thoracic surgery. Outpatient clinics need to strengthen the differential diagnosis of ground glass opacity and pulmonary plaque shadows. During the epidemic, surgical indications are strictly controlled, and selective surgery is postponed. Patients planning to undergo a limited period of surgery should be quarantined for 2 weeks and have a nucleic acid test when necessary before surgery. For patients who are planning to undergo emergency surgery, nucleic acid testing should be carried out before surgery, and three-level protection should be performed during surgery. Patients who are planning to undergo emergency surgery in the epidemic area should be confirmed with or without novel coronavirus pneumonia before operation, and perform nucleic acid test if necessary. Surgical disinfection and isolation measures should be strictly carried out. Among postoperative patients, cases with new coronavirus infection were actively investigated. For the rescue of patients with novel coronavirus infection, attention needs to be paid to prevention and treatment and related complications, including mechanical ventilation-related pneumothorax or mediastinal emphysema, and injury after tracheal intubation.
Citation: XIE Dong, WANG Sihua, JIANG Gening, LIAO Yongde, ZHU Yuming, ZHANG Lei, XU Zhifei, CHEN Keneng, FANG Wentao, GE Di, TAN Lijie, CHEN Xiaofeng, LI Hecheng, WU Chuangyan, TONG Song, LIU Zheng, DING Xiangchao, CHEN Jiuling, CHENG Chao, WANG Haifeng, CHEN Chang. Challenges and countermeasures of thoracic surgery in the epidemic of novel coronavirus pneumonia. Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2020, 27(4): 359-363. doi: 10.7507/1007-4848.202002033 Copy
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