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孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)是一类以社会交往障碍、交流障碍、兴趣狭窄和刻板重复的行为方式为特征的心理发育障碍性疾病。现从 3 个角度对 ASD 儿童家庭负担及康复治疗研究进展进行综述:以点来看, ASD 儿童对家庭有严重影响;以横切面看, ASD 儿童各阶段的康复需要多方的参与;以时间轴纵看, ASD 儿童的康复计划是随着成长动态变化的过程。期望以上内容能为相关领域未来的研究提供参考。
Citation: 杨涛, 王垭, 刘娟, 杨丽, 黄雪花. 孤独症谱系障碍儿童的家庭负担及康复治疗研究进展. West China Medical Journal, 2016, 31(6): 1147-1151. doi: 10.7507/1002-0179.201600310 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of West China Medical Journal of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Garrido D, Carballo G, Franco V, et al. Language comprehension disorders in non-verbal children with autism spectrum disorders and their implications in the family quality of life[J]. Rev Neurol, 2015, 60(5) :207-214. |
2. | Bagatell N, Mason AE. Looking backward, thinking forward: occupational therapy and autism spectrum disorders[J]. OTJR (Thorofare N J), 2015, 35(1) :34-41. |
3. | Yu TW, Chahrour MH, Coulter ME, et al. Using whole-exome sequencing to identify inherited causes of autism[J]. Neuron, 2013, 77(2) :259-273. |
4. | 赵冬梅, 杨良政, 张艳卿, 等. 培训-家庭康复训练模式治疗儿童孤独症疗效观察[J]. 中国康复医学杂志, 2014, 29(3) :260-262. |
5. | 李迎春. 关注孤独症患儿父母的心理问题提高患儿家庭生活质 量[J]. 中国医药指南, 2013, 11(17) :365, 366. |
6. | 陈瑜, 张宁, 裴涛. 国外孤独症儿童家庭应激研究现状[J]. 中国特殊教育, 2007(10) :66-70. |
7. | 夏薇, 王佳, 孙礼, 等. 孤独症患儿家庭环境及父母生存质量分 析[J]. 中国学校卫生, 2010, 31(2) :136-137, 140. |
8. | 段桂琴, 姚梅玲, 靳彦琴. 孤独症患儿家庭疾病负担和家长的应对 方式[J]. 中国妇幼保健, 2013, 28(2) :278-280. |
9. | 陈瑜, 裴涛, 张宁. 孤独症患儿家庭应激状况调查[J]. 中国健康心理学杂志, 2011, 19(12) :1419-1421. |
10. | 吉彬彬, 易容芳, 孙玫, 等. 孤独症儿童照顾者健康相关生活质量 与家庭功能的相关性[J]. 广东医学, 2012, 33(15) :2327-2329. |
11. | Smith LE, Seltzer MM, Greenberg JS. Daily health symptoms of mothers of adolescents and adults with fragile x syndrome and mothers of adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder[J]. J Autism Dev Disord, 2012, 42(9) :1836-1846. |
12. | Ruiz-Robledillo N, Moya-Albiol L. Lower electrodermal activity to acute stress in caregivers of people with autism spectrum disorder: an adaptive habituation to stress[J]. J Autism Dev Disord, 2015, 45(2) :576-588. |
13. | Foody C, James JE, Leader G. Parenting stress, salivary biomarkers, and ambulatory blood pressure:a comparison between mothers and fathers of children with autism spectrum disorders[J]. J Autism Dev Disord, 2015, 45(4) :1084-1095. |
14. | Parish SL, Thomas KC, Williams CS, et al. Autism and families' financial burden:the association with health insurance coverage[J]. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil, 2015, 120(2) :166-175. |
15. | 王佳, 于聪, 孙彩虹, 等. 孤独症患儿236名家庭疾病负担状况调查[J]. 中国学校卫生, 2010, 31(2) :138-140. |
16. | 王佳, 曹孟儒, 周雪, 等. 孤独症患儿就诊及家庭养护现状调查[J]. 中国儿童保健杂志, 2010, 18(10) :757-760. |
17. | Cidav Z, Marcus SC, Mandell DS. Implications of childhood autism for parental employment and earnings[J]. Pediatrics, 2012, 129(4) : 617-623. |
18. | 杨昱, 王曼. 学龄前孤独症儿童家庭的职业和经济负担调查[J]. 中 国临床心理学杂志, 2014, 22(2) :295-297, 361. |
19. | Ou JJ, Shi LJ, Xun GL, et al. Employment and financial burden of families with preschool children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders in urban China:results from a descriptive study[J]. BMC Psychiatry, 2015, 15(1) :3. |
20. | 熊妮娜, 杨丽, 于洋, 等. 孤独症、肢体残疾、智力残疾儿童家庭 经济负担调查[J]. 中国康复理论与实践, 2010, 16(8) :785-788. |
21. | Hayes SA, Watson SL. The impact of parenting stress:a metaanalysis of studies comparing the experience of parenting stress in parents of children with and without autism spectrum disorder[J]. J Autism Dev Disord, 2013, 43(3) :629-642. |
22. | Werner S, Shulman C. Does type of disability make a difference in affiliate stigma among family caregivers of individuals with autism, intellectual disability or physical disability?[J]. J Intellect Disabil Res, 2015, 59(3) :272-283. |
23. | Soltanifar A, Akbarzadeh F, Moharreri F, et al. Comparison of parental stress among mothers and fathers of children with autistic spectrum disorder in Iran[J]. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res, 2015, 20(1) : 93-98. |
24. | Johnson N, Frenn M, Feetham S, et al. Autism spectrum disorder: parenting stress, family functioning and health-related quality of life[J]. Fam Syst Health, 2011, 29(3) :232-252. |
25. | Khanna R, Madhavan SS, Smith MJ, et al. Assessment of healthrelated quality of life among primary caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorders[J]. J Autism Dev Disord, 2011, 41(9) : 1214-1227. |
26. | Gomes PT, Lima LH, Bueno MK, et al. Autism in Brazil:a systematic review of family challenges and coping strategies[J]. J Pediatr (Rio J), 2015, 91(2) :111-121. |
27. | Kirby AV, White TJ, Baranek GT. Caregiver strain and sensory features in children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities[J]. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil, 2015, 120(1) :32-45. |
28. | Shivers CM, Plavnick JB. Sibling involvement in interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorders:a systematic review[J]. J Autism Dev Disord, 2015, 45(3) :685-696. |
29. | Petalas MA, Hastings RP, Nash S, et al. Typicality and subtle difference in sibling relationships:experiences of adolescents with autism[J]. J Child Fam Stud, 2015, 24(1) :38-49. |
30. | Smith LO, Elder JH, Storch EA, et al. Predictors of sense of coherence in typically developing adolescent siblings of individuals with autism spectrum disorder[J]. J Intellect Disabil Res, 2015, 59(1) : 26-38. |
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- 1. Garrido D, Carballo G, Franco V, et al. Language comprehension disorders in non-verbal children with autism spectrum disorders and their implications in the family quality of life[J]. Rev Neurol, 2015, 60(5) :207-214.
- 2. Bagatell N, Mason AE. Looking backward, thinking forward: occupational therapy and autism spectrum disorders[J]. OTJR (Thorofare N J), 2015, 35(1) :34-41.
- 3. Yu TW, Chahrour MH, Coulter ME, et al. Using whole-exome sequencing to identify inherited causes of autism[J]. Neuron, 2013, 77(2) :259-273.
- 4. 赵冬梅, 杨良政, 张艳卿, 等. 培训-家庭康复训练模式治疗儿童孤独症疗效观察[J]. 中国康复医学杂志, 2014, 29(3) :260-262.
- 5. 李迎春. 关注孤独症患儿父母的心理问题提高患儿家庭生活质 量[J]. 中国医药指南, 2013, 11(17) :365, 366.
- 6. 陈瑜, 张宁, 裴涛. 国外孤独症儿童家庭应激研究现状[J]. 中国特殊教育, 2007(10) :66-70.
- 7. 夏薇, 王佳, 孙礼, 等. 孤独症患儿家庭环境及父母生存质量分 析[J]. 中国学校卫生, 2010, 31(2) :136-137, 140.
- 8. 段桂琴, 姚梅玲, 靳彦琴. 孤独症患儿家庭疾病负担和家长的应对 方式[J]. 中国妇幼保健, 2013, 28(2) :278-280.
- 9. 陈瑜, 裴涛, 张宁. 孤独症患儿家庭应激状况调查[J]. 中国健康心理学杂志, 2011, 19(12) :1419-1421.
- 10. 吉彬彬, 易容芳, 孙玫, 等. 孤独症儿童照顾者健康相关生活质量 与家庭功能的相关性[J]. 广东医学, 2012, 33(15) :2327-2329.
- 11. Smith LE, Seltzer MM, Greenberg JS. Daily health symptoms of mothers of adolescents and adults with fragile x syndrome and mothers of adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorder[J]. J Autism Dev Disord, 2012, 42(9) :1836-1846.
- 12. Ruiz-Robledillo N, Moya-Albiol L. Lower electrodermal activity to acute stress in caregivers of people with autism spectrum disorder: an adaptive habituation to stress[J]. J Autism Dev Disord, 2015, 45(2) :576-588.
- 13. Foody C, James JE, Leader G. Parenting stress, salivary biomarkers, and ambulatory blood pressure:a comparison between mothers and fathers of children with autism spectrum disorders[J]. J Autism Dev Disord, 2015, 45(4) :1084-1095.
- 14. Parish SL, Thomas KC, Williams CS, et al. Autism and families' financial burden:the association with health insurance coverage[J]. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil, 2015, 120(2) :166-175.
- 15. 王佳, 于聪, 孙彩虹, 等. 孤独症患儿236名家庭疾病负担状况调查[J]. 中国学校卫生, 2010, 31(2) :138-140.
- 16. 王佳, 曹孟儒, 周雪, 等. 孤独症患儿就诊及家庭养护现状调查[J]. 中国儿童保健杂志, 2010, 18(10) :757-760.
- 17. Cidav Z, Marcus SC, Mandell DS. Implications of childhood autism for parental employment and earnings[J]. Pediatrics, 2012, 129(4) : 617-623.
- 18. 杨昱, 王曼. 学龄前孤独症儿童家庭的职业和经济负担调查[J]. 中 国临床心理学杂志, 2014, 22(2) :295-297, 361.
- 19. Ou JJ, Shi LJ, Xun GL, et al. Employment and financial burden of families with preschool children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders in urban China:results from a descriptive study[J]. BMC Psychiatry, 2015, 15(1) :3.
- 20. 熊妮娜, 杨丽, 于洋, 等. 孤独症、肢体残疾、智力残疾儿童家庭 经济负担调查[J]. 中国康复理论与实践, 2010, 16(8) :785-788.
- 21. Hayes SA, Watson SL. The impact of parenting stress:a metaanalysis of studies comparing the experience of parenting stress in parents of children with and without autism spectrum disorder[J]. J Autism Dev Disord, 2013, 43(3) :629-642.
- 22. Werner S, Shulman C. Does type of disability make a difference in affiliate stigma among family caregivers of individuals with autism, intellectual disability or physical disability?[J]. J Intellect Disabil Res, 2015, 59(3) :272-283.
- 23. Soltanifar A, Akbarzadeh F, Moharreri F, et al. Comparison of parental stress among mothers and fathers of children with autistic spectrum disorder in Iran[J]. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res, 2015, 20(1) : 93-98.
- 24. Johnson N, Frenn M, Feetham S, et al. Autism spectrum disorder: parenting stress, family functioning and health-related quality of life[J]. Fam Syst Health, 2011, 29(3) :232-252.
- 25. Khanna R, Madhavan SS, Smith MJ, et al. Assessment of healthrelated quality of life among primary caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorders[J]. J Autism Dev Disord, 2011, 41(9) : 1214-1227.
- 26. Gomes PT, Lima LH, Bueno MK, et al. Autism in Brazil:a systematic review of family challenges and coping strategies[J]. J Pediatr (Rio J), 2015, 91(2) :111-121.
- 27. Kirby AV, White TJ, Baranek GT. Caregiver strain and sensory features in children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities[J]. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil, 2015, 120(1) :32-45.
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